[VFLOW] MultiBot 6 Pairs
Descripción de la señal
1)Introduction: VFLOW Services is a Company that designs Trading Algorithms. Our Strategy is based on swing trading on the 4H,5H and 6H Charts. We follow specific set ups per trading pair. We use 50% of the total balance for all long or short positions with a 2x. Ideal balance to follow our Bot is 2000 USDT. We propose allocating 2000 USDT. The Bot performs excellent during break outs and has limited losses during consolidation periods.
2)Risk Control: Every position has stop loss triggers and specific presets for entering and exiting positions. By using 50% of the total balance and a 2x we make sure that we will always be opening positions of the same size. Drawdown is limited and our scope is to be profitable long term and build the ROI week by week. Our strategy has minimized risk of liquidation.
3)Disclaimer: As a subscriber to the OKX Signal Bot, you agree to invest in cryptocurrencies using the investment strategies designed by VFLOW Services. Trading with digital assets such as Cryptocurrencies is highly speculative and carries many risks; VFLOW Services does not offer any guarantee that any investment strategy will achieve or can achieve profits or trading losses. To the extent permitted by law, VFLOW Services assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any natural or legal person who uses, has used, or has expressed a desire to use the Signal Bots. For more information, see OKXs Terms & Conditions.
G&P del suscriptor (USDT)
AUM (USDT)0.00
Tasa de ganancia del suscriptor0.00 %
Activaciones en los últimos 7 días5
30 días
APY estimado en 30 d
-57.37 %
Pares de trading compatibles
SímboloAPY estimadoDrawdown máx. en 7 días
+251.78 %
0.00 %
Perpetuo ETHUSDT
-7.16 %
4.12 %
-15.45 %
1.22 %
Perpetuo LTCUSDT
-29.09 %
5.17 %
Perpetuo SOLUSDT
-38.05 %
0.00 %
-44.59 %
3.47 %
Perpetuo BTCUSDT
-98.06 %
7.38 %
Detalles de la activación de la señal
•La visualización se demorará 24 horas
Símbolo/horaTipo de entradaMonto por ordenAcciones
11/04/2024, 23:00:00
% de inversión activa
7.00 %
Entrada long
11/04/2024, 13:00:01
% de inversión activa
7.00 %
Entrada short
Perpetuo BTCUSDT
11/04/2024, 08:00:01
% de inversión activa
18.00 %
Entrada long
Perpetuo SOLUSDT
11/04/2024, 08:00:01
% de inversión activa
7.00 %
Entrada long
11/04/2024, 04:00:00
% de inversión activa
7.00 %
Entrada long
Perpetuo SOLUSDT
10/04/2024, 20:16:15
Posición de salida
100.00 %
Salida short
Perpetuo SOLUSDT
10/04/2024, 20:16:15
Posición de salida
100.00 %
Salida short
Perpetuo LTCUSDT
10/04/2024, 12:00:00
% de inversión activa
7.00 %
Entrada short
Perpetuo LTCUSDT
10/04/2024, 10:46:24
Posición de salida
100.00 %
Salida short
10/04/2024, 08:00:00
% de inversión activa
7.00 %
Entrada short
¿Qué es el bot de señales?

Un bot de señales es un enfoque de trading ejecutado por datos del mercado e indicadores técnicos. Hace trading automáticamente según la cantidad de señales presentes, lo que incluye un indicador técnico, movimientos en los precios, índices del mercado o una combinación de todos.