
What is BEVM: evolving Bitcoin into a platform for DApps

Bitcoin is often referred to as digital gold, but what if it could be more than that? Imagine using Bitcoin not just for transactions or holding money, but also to run powerful apps and create new decentralized apps (DApps), like Ethereum does.

That’s the kind of innovation BEVM brings to the table, a decentralized Layer-2 that's compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It’s like turning your regular car into a high-performance vehicle that can do much more than just get you from point A to point B. BEVM allows Bitcoin to power decentralized applications and smart contracts, opening up exciting new possibilities for developers and community members.

In this article, we'll explore what BEVM is, how the technology works, and what it could mean for crypto's first and largest token.


  • BEVM is a decentralized Layer-2 that helps to transform the Bitcoin network into a platform for building decentralized applications, similar to Ethereum.

  • BEVM lets Ethereum DApps run on the Bitcoin network using BTC as the gas fee.

  • By combining Bitcoin and Ethereum, BEVM merges Bitcoin’s security with Ethereum’s flexibility.

  • Developers can move their Ethereum DApps to Bitcoin using BEVM.

  • BEVM wants to elevate Bitcoin's functionality for different blockchain applications in the long term.

What is BEVM?

Many consider BEVM to be a big leap forward in the Bitcoin ecosystem. It’s the first fully decentralized, EVM-compatible solution for Bitcoin Layer-2. This new technology lets decentralized applications (DApps) that were made for Ethereum work well within the Bitcoin network. These DApps use Bitcoin (BTC) as the gas fee for transactions.

Bitcoin has been known for its security and decentralization, but smart contracts were never Bitcoin’s priority. However, developers like Domo, who launched BRC-20, and Casey Rodamor, who developed ordinals and runes, have opened new possibilities for Bitcoin. BEVM bridges this gap by enabling Bitcoin to support smart contracts and DApps without compromising its core principles. BEVM helps developers to move or grow their existing Ethereum-based DApps to the Bitcoin network. This adds another dynamic attribute to Bitcoin beyond simply being a store of value and a network for simple transactions.

One technical aspect of BEVM is its use of Taproot technology with the existing Bitcoin infrastructure. Taproot improves Bitcoin’s privacy and efficiency by enabling more complex transaction types through Schnorr signatures and Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees (MAST). These advancements are crucial for managing the more complex transactions required by smart contracts while maintaining decentralization and security.

BEVM’s use of BTC as a gas fee ensures Bitcoin remains central to its ecosystem, even as it expands into advanced use cases. This maintains Bitcoin’s value and encourages a vibrant DApp ecosystem within the Bitcoin network.

BEVM also makes Bitcoin more secure and flexible. It does this by combining Bitcoin’s security and decentralization with Ethereum’s flexibility. This potentially makes it a more effective platform for new, DApps.

How does BEVM improve cross-chain interaction?

BEVM adopts cross-chain interaction by enabling seamless, decentralized communication between Bitcoin and its Layer-2 network.

This feature is important because it lets assets and data move safely between different blockchain environments. It keeps the network’s decentralized nature while making Bitcoin more useful. The core of BEVM’s cross-chain interaction is its use of synchronized block headers and transaction proofs.

The process begins with Bitcoin light nodes deployed on the BEVM network, which continuously synchronize data from the Bitcoin mainnet. This synchronization makes sure that all transactions and block headers are up to date. This helps to keep data safe for secure interactions across chains.

When you start a crosschain transaction, BEVM checks if the transaction is real using the block headers that are synchronized. This makes sure that the data is correct and can’t be changed. To further enhance security, BEVM uses MAST, which enables more complex smart contracts and privacy features while maintaining efficiency. This technology is important in the verification process. MAST makes sure that only real transactions are processed, which protects the network from fraudulent activities. Combining MAST and synchronized data structures allows BEVM to maintain a decentralized network that supports cross-chain operations without sacrificing security.

BEVM’s cross-chain mechanism isn’t just about moving assets — it’s about ensuring that the integrity of the data is maintained across different chains. BEVM uses Schnorr signatures and advanced consensus mechanisms to make Bitcoin work with other chains without affecting its security. This approach ensures that blockchain security is maintained, even as Bitcoin engages with more complex, cross-chain operations.

Why BTC uses gas for blockchain transactions

Gas fees are often associated with Ethereum, where users pay in ETH to process transactions and execute smart contracts. BEVM introduces a unique approach by hard-coding BTC as the gas currency within its EVM-compatible Layer-2 network. This shift brings several benefits that fuel activity and innovation within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

By requiring BTC for transaction fees, BEVM directly ties the token to the network's utility. This creates a consistent demand for Bitcoin, thereby strengthening its position as the preferred asset within its own expanding network.

Another advantage is the simplification of the user experience. If you hold Bitcoin, you can now interact with DApps on BEVM without requiring another cryptocurrency for transaction fees. This reduces friction for those already holding Bitcoin, making it easier for them to participate in advanced blockchain activities like smart contracts and DeFi. Moreover, hard-coding BTC as gas into the EVM layer improves blockchain security, which makes it less vulnerable to manipulation.

How does BEVM support developers and DApp builders?

BEVM offers tools and resources designed to support blockchain development and empower DApp builders within the Bitcoin ecosystem. One core strength of BEVM is that it works with EVM. This lets developers use existing Ethereum tools, which can make moving to Bitcoin Layer-2 easier and more efficient.

For developers who know about the Ethereum ecosystem, BEVM works with popular Ethereum tools, like Remix, Truffle, and Hardhat. This means they can keep using the tools they know and trust while building on Bitcoin.

This compatibility means that developers can write smart contracts in Solidity, the programming language used for Ethereum, and deploy them on the BEVM network without requiring extensive modifications.

BEVM supports integration with widely-used Ethereum wallets. This allows you to interact with DApps on the BEVM network just as you would on Ethereum, using your wallet to manage their Bitcoin and handle transactions.

For developers, this compatibility reduces the learning curve and makes it easier to onboard community members who are already familiar with these tools. BEVM also provides developer resources, including detailed documentation, APIs, and a supportive community.

These resources help developers to quickly troubleshoot issues, improve their applications, and effectively contribute to the growing Bitcoin ecosystem. By lowering the barriers to entry and providing familiar development environments, BEVM encourages innovation and the creation of new DApps that can harness the security and decentralization of Bitcoin.

What is BEVM's long term vision for the future of Bitcoin?

BEVM has a strategic vision for developers, builders, and community members all centered on helping to advance the Bitcoin ecosystem. Here are three of the project's ambitions.


BEVM envisions a future where BTC EVM acts as a bridge, enabling interactions between Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems.

This idea lets Ethereum-based DApps work within the Bitcoin network. It combines Bitcoin’s security and decentralization with Ethereum’s flexibility and smart contract capabilities.

By doing so, BEVM puts Bitcoin in a unique position as an effective platform for decentralized applications, not just a store of value.


Another important part of BEVM’s future plans is BTC to VM (Virtual Machine). This development would include a Bitcoin FX Protocol that no one controls. It’d let users trade currencies in other countries using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies within the network. This protocol would help to enhance Bitcoin’s role in global trading, providing new opportunities for trading and liquidity.

BEVM Stack

The proposed BEVM Stack is a complete and customizable blockchain technology architecture designed to support different uses and industries. The BEVM Stack lets developers make custom blockchain solutions on top of Bitcoin. They can use its strong security features while adding new functions.

This vision aims to make Bitcoin the foundation for a wide range of blockchain applications, from decentralized finance (DeFi) to supply chain management.

BEVM’s long-term goals are to change Bitcoin from a single asset into a platform that can do many things. This will allow for different and new blockchain applications.

The final word

BEVM is designed to open up new possibilities for Bitcoin by allowing DApps to be built upon the network, presenting an alternative to Ethereum. From cross-chain interactions, using BTC as gas, and supporting developers in building advanced applications, BEVM is setting Bitcoin on a path to play a more central role in the future of blockchain.

Interested to know how else the Bitcoin network is evolving? If you're interested in learning more, check out our guide to Babylon, which aims to scale the network for Proof of Stake, and our article on Flash Protocol, which improves efficiency and programmability on the Bitcoin network.


What is BEVM?

BEVM is a technology that lets Bitcoin run decentralized apps and smart contracts like Ethereum. It enhances Bitcoin's functionality while helping to keep the network secure.

How does BEVM support cross-chain interaction on the Bitcoin network?

BEVM enables cross-chain interaction primarily through synchronized block headers and transaction proofs. These tools help to maintain the secure and efficient transfer of assets and data between different chains without compromising on Bitcoin's security and decentralization.

How does BEVM benefit Bitcoin developers?

BEVM supports developers through compatibility with Ethereum tools. This lets developers use Solidity, Remix, and Hardhat to easily move their DApps to Bitcoin. Meanwhile, BEVM provides access to various resources and documentation developers can use to learn from and troubleshoot as they build.

Why does BEVM use Bitcoin (BTC) as gas for transactions?

BEVM uses Bitcoin as gas to maintain the token's role in the ecosystem. This simplifies the user experience, enhances security, and fuels demand for Bitcoin within the network itself.

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