Decimal update for EUR, GBP, USD, AED, CLP, and VES

發佈於 2023年6月19日閱讀時長 2 分鐘

To continue providing the best P2P trading experience, we’ll be updating the decimal precision for certain trading pairs on June 21, 2023, 17:00 (UTC+8).

  • USDT/USDC/TUSD/EUR and USDT/USDC/TUSD/GBP will be reduced from 4 to 3 decimal places
  • USDT/USDC/TUSD/USD, USDT/USDC/TUSD/AED, and USDT/USDC/TUSD/VES will be increased to 3 decimal places
  • USDT/USDC/TUSD/CLP will be increased to 2 decimal places

    If you have any active ads for trading pairs that are being reduced to 3 decimal places, please change the unit price to the 3-decimal format. This ensures any trades won't be affected after the update.