There are currently two ways for users and developers to receive OKB testnet tokens on X Layer.
In this guide, we will show the steps on how to receive OKB testnet.
The X Layer testnet faucet is an official tool provided by the X Layer team for developers to claim test tokens. Developers and users can use X Layer testnet faucet to obtain:
Please note that on the X Layer testnet, each user can only claim 0.2 OKB per day.
Users and developers can also mint testnet OKB on the Sepolia testnet and use the official X Layer bridge to bridge OKB. You can also bridge other testnet tokens from Sepolia to the X Layer testnet. To simplify the minting process of testnet OKB on Sepolia testnet, we have also provided the interface to do so through our X Layer testnet faucet here.
Please ensure that your wallet contains enough ETH (Sepolia ETH) for gas fees on the Sepolia network. You can also use the X Layer bridge to bridge ETH to the X Layer testnet.