Marketplace API

Asset models#

One of the primary objects in the OKX API is the asset, which represents a unique digital item whose ownership is managed by the blockchain.

NFT object details#

nameStringThe name of the NFT
tokenIdStringThe token ID of the NFT
amountStringSpecified tokenId NFT's total supply
tokenUriStringNFT MetaData stored address
imageStringAn image of the item. Note that this is the cached url we store on our end.
imagePreviewUrlStringA preview image of the item. Note that this is the cached url we store on our end.
imageThumbnailUrlStringA thumbnail image of the item. Note that this is the cached url we store on our end.
animationUrlStringA link to animation Resource Url for the item. Note that this is the cached url we store on our end.
attributesObjectAn object of the Token Attributes Model
assetContractsObjectAn object of the Token Asset Contract Model
collectionObjectAn object of the Token Collection Model
ownerAddressStringThe address of the owner of the assets
isLazyMintTypeBooleanWhether or not it is delayed minting and no transfer has occurred