We're happy to announce our investment in Space and Time (SxT). SxT is the verifiable compute layer for AI and blockchain that combines tamperproof onchain and offchain data to deliver enterprise use cases to smart contracts and large language models (LLMs).
Our rationale for this investment stems from the growing challenges in data analytics and the potential of SxT's innovative solution. The investment aligns with our focus on technology-led projects with real-world applications.
The SxT research team has spent the last two years building a novel zero-knowledge (ZK) circuit from the ground up, achieving unprecedented performance. This provides smart contract developers and enterprises with a scalable method to verify database processing. The solution has applications across various sectors, including Web2 enterprises, AI, DeFi, gaming and Web3 infrastructure.
SxT has proven its credibility with their Proof of SQL tech stack in beta since April 2023, processing 5.3 billion database requests and 500,000 queries per month on average. This has generated over $4.5 million in annual recurring revenue across various use cases, demonstrating the potential for optimal onchain performance. The Proof of SQL stack incorporates zero-knowledge proofs, artificial intelligence, and data warehousing. It enables indexing of major chains including Ethereum, Bitcoin, ZKSync, Polygon, Sui, Aptos and Sei.
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