
OKX Wallet Integrates its 50th Blockchain, Paving the Way for a More Seamless Web3 Experience

  • OKX integrates 50 total blockchains across its Web3 product offering, compatible with the OKX Wallet, DEX, NFT Marketplace, Yield and dApps
  • To celebrate the 50 Chains' milestone, OKX is also launching a USDT airdrop campaign giveaway for users who download OKX Wallet, refer new users to OKX and share news of the campaign on social media

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 10 March, 2023 - OKX, the world's second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, today announced the successful integration of 50 different blockchains across its Web3 product offering, marking a major step forward for its vision of creating the industry's most advanced and inclusive Web3 ecosystem.

To celebrate the '50 Chains' milestone, OKX also launched a USDT airdrop campaign to reward its customers. To be eligible, users should:

OKX's rapidly growing Web3 ecosystem is anchored by the versatile OKX Wallet, a self-custody crypto wallet which allows users to hold their own private keys. OKX Wallet is a portal to the Web3 world, enabling access to both OKX-developed and third-party decentralized exchanges (DEXs), DeFi yield services, NFT marketplaces and a wide range of dApps.

Haider Rafique, Chief Marketing Officer at OKX, said: "OKX is far more than a crypto exchange - we are a technology company building the infrastructure and tools that will enable a new realm of Web3 opportunities. With the integration of 50 blockchains to our platform, we are creating a more accessible ecosystem for users to enjoy the limitless possibilities Web3 can bring. The Web3 future isn't coming - it's already here on OKX."

OKX has an ambitious roadmap for further ecosystem development and product expansion. The company plans to continue integrating new blockchains while also investing in research and development to enhance its existing infrastructure and services. Additionally, OKX will expand its educational initiatives in order to promote greater understanding and adoption of blockchain technology among a wider audience as Web3 solutions grow and evolve.

The chains supported are:

EVM (L1) IMX (WEB), Ethereum, OKC, BSC, Polygon, AVAX-C, Fantom, Klaytn, KCC, Metis, Boba, Gnosis (xDAI), Ronin, Moonbeam, Moonriver, Harmony, ETHW, ETHF, Flare, Celo, Core, ETC (Ethereum Classic)

EVM (L2) Arbitrum One, Optimism, Cronos (EVM), Aurora, Arbitrum Nova

UTXO ZCash, DASH, BTC, LTC, Bitcoin Cash, Doge

Cosmos Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, Juno, Iris, Axelar, Stargaze, Kava, Kuji

Others Tron, Solana, Aptos (Move Language), BSV, Achain, ARK, Nebulas, EOS, ICON

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