
Our Multi-Chain Wallet Becomes the First to Support Blinks Across All EVM Chains

  • Users of our wallet can now initiate blockchain transactions, such as token staking and swapping, across multiple chains directly on social media sites with zero fees

Today, we're happy to announce that our OKX Wallet now supports Blockchain Links (Blinks) - tools that turn onchain transactions into clickable links - across all EVM-compatible chains. Our multi-chain wallet is the first to extend the Blinks capability beyond Solana to multiple chains.

Users of our OKX Wallet can now quickly and easily initiate onchain transactions, such as token staking and swapping, across multiple chains with zero fees - directly on their social media platform of choice. They can do this by copying the URL of a specific wallet product page and sharing these Blinks on websites and social media platforms that support Blinks, like X and Discord. This allows users to initiate transactions directly from a social media post or message without needing to switch tabs or sites. For example, users can buy an NFT directly from an X post by clicking on the shared Blink.

This latest addition is a result of our strategic collaboration with Dialect, the team behind Blinks, which focuses on building tools and features to enhance the user experience on the Solana blockchain. In the near future, our OKX Wallet team will collaborate with more projects to enhance the capabilities and supported platforms of Blinks. These updates will be announced at a later date.

This announcement follows the recent addition of Solana Blinks support on our OKX Wallet. In line with our "onchain, any chain" philosophy, our OKX Wallet also recently added support for TON, bringing its total number of compatible blockchains to 100.

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