
A reflection on Web3 and crypto in 2023 and beyond

A message from OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique

As I reflect on 2023 and look ahead to an exciting 2024, I am struck by the recent positive advancements and milestones that have shaped the world of Web3 and crypto. This transformative year has witnessed the advancement of Zero Knowledge (ZK) and account abstraction (AA) technologies, more regulatory clarity in key global asset hubs, and the continued emergence of DEX and NFT projects. I'd also take a moment to celebrate the achievements of OKX and the wider industry in 2023, and look ahead to the year 2024.

Throughout 2023, we solidified our position as a leader in the Web3 and crypto space by introducing products and features that revolutionized the way users interact with the world of crypto. From our Copy Trading and Signal Trading platforms to Nitro Spreads and X1, our Ethereum-based Zero Knowledge Layer 2 network, we continued to push the boundaries of what is possible in both the CeFi and Web3 domains.

We also listened to your feedback and continuously improved our products to meet your needs. From the launch of our account abstraction (AA)-powered wallet to the integration of Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology, we prioritized simplicity, accessibility and user experience.

Additionally, our commitment to transparency and security is evident in our industry-leading Proof of Reserves (PoR) program. By incorporating zk-STARK technology, an area that has seen significant technological advancement in the industry, into our monthly PoR, we enhanced the security and integrity of user funds.

These new additions reflect our dedication to prioritizing you, our users, as the central focus of our efforts. We remain unwavering in our commitment to improving our exchange and Web3 wallet to supercharge your experience.

But our impact goes beyond product innovation. We launched global brand campaigns - such as "Rewrite the System" - to raise awareness and advocate for the adoption of self-managed technology. Our strategic partnerships with renowned brands extend to the realm of art and sports, including the Tribeca Festival, Man City and McLaren have fostered innovation and collaboration within the industry, driving us towards a future where Web3-powered fan experiences - including the OKX Collective metaverse - are the norm.

Looking ahead to 2024, we're excited to continue our journey with you. We have ambitious plans to expand further in key markets across the globe, as well as introduce advanced features that elevate your trading experience. The highly anticipated X1 mainnet launch will unlock new possibilities, allowing for seamless and secure deployment of EVM-based DApps. We're also looking forward to OKX Ventures' increased support for projects deployed on X1.

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