
Our 19th Proof of Reserves: USD22.5 Billion in Primary Assets and Nearly 700,000 Public Wallet Addresses Published

We're happy to announce the release of our 19th consecutive Proof of Reserves (PoR) report, showcasing USD22.5 billion in primary assets backing customer funds.

In line with our commitment to transparency and accountability in the crypto space, we have published over 680,000 public wallet addresses this month. This allows our customers and the wider community to independently verify the platform's reserves. To date, over 1.5 million customers have viewed and verified that their assets on our platform are backed 1:1.

Consistent with our previous PoR reports, our 19th PoR demonstrates over 100% reserve ratios for the 22 most commonly traded assets on our platform: BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, XRP, DOGE, SOL, OKB, APT, DOT, ELF, EOS, ETC, FIL, LINK, LTC, OKT, PEOPLE, TON, TRX, UNI and BCH.

Current reserve ratios for primary assets:

  • BTC: 104%

  • ETH: 103%

  • USDT: 102%

  • USDC: 102%

As a strong advocate for PoR, we've been actively contributing to discussions on the role of PoR in enhancing trust and transparency in the crypto industry. On May 3, we hosted an X Spaces session on PoR featuring leading industry voices, including our Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai and Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique, Castle Island Ventures Founding Partner Nic Carter, Crypto Analyst and Influencer James Parker, and Crypto Educator and Advocate Joe Nakamoto.

In addition, our Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau recently participated in a PoR-themed panel at DC Blockchain Summit, which seeks to bring together global blockchain advocates and thought leaders. During the panel, Jason discussed how PoR - powered by cutting-edge innovations such as zk-STARK technology - can support sustainable growth in the industry.

To view and interact with our PoR, please click here.

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