How do I make a crypto withdrawal? (app)

发布于 2024年8月31日更新于 2025年2月26日阅读时长 3 分钟25

There are 2 withdrawal methods on OKX:

Getting Started

Open your OKX app, go to Portfolio, and select Withdraw.

Open withdrawal page on OKX EEA app

Open withdrawal page

On-chain withdrawal

  1. Select Withdraw crypto, then select the crypto you want to withdraw

    Select crypto withdrawal on OKX EEA app

    Select withdraw crypto to start the withdrawal process

  2. Select Exchanges or wallets in the Select destination field, then select your preferred Network

    Select Onchain withdrawal method on OKX US app

    Select exchanges or wallets to perform an on-chain withdrawal

  3. Complete the withdrawal details below and select Submit

    • Fill in address
      Note: you can enable allowlist mode to protect your assets

    • Insert Withdrawal amount
      Note: the withdrawal amount should be more than the minimum amount but can't exceed the limit based on your verification level.

    • Network fee
      Note: the network fee can vary between networks and is determined by blockchain.

      Fill in on chain withdrawal details on OKX app

      Fill in withdrawal details

  4. Complete the 2FA verification and select Confirm, your withdrawal order will be submitted

Note: some cryptos (for example, XRP) may require tags to complete the withdrawal, usually a sequence of numbers. It's necessary to fill in both the withdrawal address and the tag, otherwise, the withdrawal will be lost.

Internal transfer

  1. Select Withdraw crypto, then select the crypto you want to withdraw

  2. Select OKX recipients in the Select destination field, then select your preferred Network

    Select internal withdrawal on OKX app

    Select OKX recipients to perform an internal transfer

  3. Complete the withdrawal details and select Submit

    • Select recipient and insert the recipient info (Phone number / Email / Sub-account / UID)
      Note: the withdrawal recipient needs to be a verified user, learn more on how you can be verified here.

      Select recipient type to make internal transfer on OKX app

      Select recipient type for internal transfer

    • Insert Withdrawal amount
      Note: the withdrawal amount should be more than the minimum amount but can't exceed the limit based on your verification level.

      Fill in internal withdrawal details on OKX app

      Fill in withdrawal details on the internal withdrawal page

  4. Complete the 2FA verification and select Confirm, your withdrawal order will be submitted

Note: if you change your mind, you can cancel the request within 1 minute and no fees will be charged.