Matr1x Pioneer Badge
Welcome to the Matr1x Pioneer Badge Collection, celebrating the MAX Score Airdrop Event participants. 🌟 Basic Badge - Awarded to all users for engaging with the event, symbolizing active participation in the Matr1x community. 💎 Premium Badge - Given to those making exceptional contributions, marked by green and gold accents to signify outstanding impact. Matr1x Pioneer Badges will be redeemable for a mystery reward at the event's conclusion. Visit the event for full badge significance: MATR1X MAX Socre Airdrop Event. Carry your badge as a part of Matr1x history and join the revolution towards a decentralized future.
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Matr1x Pioneer Badge 在 24 小时内,没有交易事件。该项目当前没有挂单。
Matr1x Pioneer Badge 共有 2,694 个 NFT。有 2 个钱包持有该项目的 NFT。
该项目当前没有挂单,因此无法直接购买,你可以对心仪的 NFT 进行出价。