Liberty Catscertified

Liberty Cats

“Liberty Cat” is not just a cat; it represents a spirit, a way of life. In this digital world, each Liberty Cat symbolizes a group of people who pursue freedom and independence. Just as cats explore their domains freely, these individuals choose to live life on their own terms. Exploration of Freedom: Each Liberty Cat possesses boundless curiosity and a desire for exploration. Unconstrained by tradition, they bravely chase their dreams. Independent Living: The owners of Liberty Cats value independence. They don’t rely on external judgments but live according to their own beliefs and values. Wealth Pursuit: These cats symbolize not only material wealth but also spiritual abundance and inner contentment. Liberty Cats celebrate the spirit of freedom and pay homage to those who refuse to be defined, constantly seek personal growth, and pursue happiness. They are digital messengers of liberty, inviting everyone to join this feast of freedom.
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How can I buy NFTs from this collection?
You can make direct purchases on the OKX Marketplace, which consolidates NFT orders from platforms such as OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden, and more.
What is the recent activity of this collection?
In the last 24 hours, Liberty Cats has completed 26 transactions with a total volume of 292.89K. The floor price is 10,577.37 MATIC, and there’s been a -1.1% change in the floor price in the last 24 hours. There are currently 527 listing orders.
How many wallets hold NFTs from this collection?
Liberty Cats has a total of 9,880 NFTs, and these are held by 2,967 different wallets.
What amount is required to make a purchase?
The floor price for this collection is 10,577.37 MATIC, and the 24-hour average price is 11,264.67. Therefore, your should have at least 10,577.37 MATIC in your wallet to complete the purchase.