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What is Grass: the crypto AI token leveraging unused internet bandwidth

Grass is a platform that allows users to put their unused internet bandwidth to work in return for token rewards. The bandwidth contributed by network participants is used by builders to train AI models. As a result, internet users can earn rewards from the unused internet they pay for while supporting the development of AI.

Read on as we explore what Grass is in more depth, how the technology works, and the role of the incoming GRASS token.


  • Grass allows users to sell their unused internet bandwidth to support the development of AI models.

  • The technology scrapes web data — without accessing private data — before transforming it into AI datasets.

  • Contributors earn Grass points for selling their unusual bandwidth. A GRASS token airdrop was announced in early September 2024, during which early users can convert their points into GRASS.

How does Grass work?

Grass is a decentralized platform that sees node operators (the users) contribute their unused internet bandwidth to support web scraping of public web data. This unstructured web data is then fed through an AI development tool that converts it into a readable format.

Grass routers connect nodes to the network’s validators. The routers are responsible for the accountability of validators and for moving bandwidth across the network. Meanwhile, validators receive, verify, and batch transactions received from the router.

Grass nodes manage traffic to allow the network to scrape public web data, which is structured into data sets. These datasets are then sold to AI labs to train AI models. It's free to run a node, and node operators are rewarded for the data relayed through them.

What are node operators rewarded with?

Node operators earn Grass points in two ways: using the platform, and referring friends. The referral system has three tiers. Tier one awards primary referrals, where you share your referral link with others. Should a contact download the platform and use your link, you'd earn a 20% commission. Secondary referrals, when someone you've invited shares their own referral link, you earn you a further 10% commission. And, tertiary referrals, where a second referral in your network shares a link, would grant you an additional 5% commission.

How do I access Grass?

Getting started with Grass is straightforward. Just follow the three steps below.

  1. Register an account at app.getgrass.io using your email address.

  2. Download the Grass desktop node from the Grass Store.

  3. Click "Connect", and you're all set. The technology will run in the background, and you can view your earned points via the dashboard.

What's the role of the GRASS token?

The GRASS token will be used for network staking, governance, and transaction fees. By staking their tokens, holders earn additional rewards and also gain voting rights as part of the Grass ecosystem. This includes votes on decisions related to protocol updates and network developments, according to the project.

What's next for Grass?

The beta phase for Grass has now ended, and the project's first airdrop was announced on September 4, 2024. Users can check their eligibility on the Grass Foundation website. The project has stated that the checker "only reflects allocations or Closed Alpha and Epochs 1-7. The checker does not include the ongoing Bonus Epoch or the To Be Announced allocation." The project is meant to soon be launching the GRASS token, with a total supply of 1 billion.


What is Grass?

Grass is a decentralized platform that allows individuals to sell their unused bandwidth and be rewarded with Grass Points. This bandwidth is used to scrape unstructured public web data, which is structured and sold on to help train AI models.

Is Grass safe?

The project has made it clear that its technology only scrapes publicly available web data, and doesn’t collect personal data from users.

Are Grass points the same as GRASS tokens?

No. Grass points are the original reward granted to node operators on the network. Grass tokens will soon launch and replace Grass points as the reward. Holders of Grass points will be able to convert their points to GRASS tokens during the first airdrop.

Is it safe to trade GRASS?

The trading of every crypto asset carries some form of risk given how volatile the market is. Before you trade GRASS, it's important to do your own research, and never trade with more than you can afford to lose.

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