4 new trading modes: Easy, Meme, Advanced, and Bridge.
Whether you’re crypto-curious or a crypto-pro, there’s now a trading mode for every style and stage of your crypto journey.
Introducing 4 new ways of finding market opportunities:
Easy: Quick spot trades, executed in the least number of clicks. It’s fast and simple.
Meme: Efficient, high-speed Solana meme trades (more chains coming soon).
Advanced: Precision meets strategic trading and execution. Multiple tools and order styles for advanced traders.
Bridge: Move assets across multiple chains and make faster, smarter decisions with the most efficient routes for best price availability.

Quick, confident trades without complexity, prioritizing simplicity and execution. When you know what you need and just want to own it now, Easy is the trading mode for you, offering:
Fast execution (for portfolio adjustments, high confidence trades)
Reduced thinking/ cognitive load
Streamlined UI
Quick access to major pairs

Never miss another big memecoin move. Execute with lightning speed and preset configurations for quick, repeatable trades every time. Meme mode offers:
User-configured settings for rapid execution and recurring trades
Higher slippage tolerance for guaranteed fills
Priority processing
Optimized for SOL memes
Limit orders (coming soon)

Pro traders comfortable with full functionality and features. For precision entry and exit price-points and managing large positions. Advanced mode allows you to execute trades with pinpoint accuracy without manual intervention. For price-sensitive traders who plan their trades and trade their plan. Advance mode features:
Set-and-forget limit orders - automate execution at target price points
Tools and order features for total control, reducing emotional trading
Ideal for larger transactions, giving you the ability to compare prices across different providers

For traders and collectors trading across multiple chains and bridging between networks. Bridge across major chains effortlessly, for the most efficient routes and prices. Bridge provides:
Simplified bridge flow to view and compare multiple routes easily and quickly
Enhanced user experience for bridging assets across multiple chains
Faster, smarter decisions with the most efficient routes and prices available

Try the new trading modes available on the OKX Wallet App today.
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