How do I use Shark Fin?

Publicerad den 17 aug. 2023Uppdaterad den 20 mars 20253 min läsning33

What are the details that I need to know before I start subscribing to Shark Fin?

  • You can only participate in Shark Fin with your master account.

  • Shark Fin has two subscription periods as below:

    • 3-day Shark Fin: between every Monday, 12:05 UTC to Tuesday, 11:55 UTC.

    • 7-day Shark Fin: between Thursday, 12:05 UTC to Friday, 11:55 UTC.

  • You're not allowed to redeem before the product expiration date.

How do I subscribe to Shark Fin?

On the app

  1. Open the OKX app, go to Grow, and select Structured Products


    Open Structured Product page

  2. Select Shark Fin and select one of the available options (Bullish/Bearish on BTC/ETH/BETH) during the subscription period


    Open Shark Fin page

    CT-app-earn-sharkfin option

    Select one of the available options to subscribe

  3. Enter your desired crypto amount to adjust the remaining quota and select Subscribe to finalize your order


    Enter your crypto amount to subscribe to Shark Fin product

On the web

  1. Open the OKX website, go to Grow, and select Structured Products (under Earn) section before selecting Shark Fin

  2. Select Subscribe to to one of the available options (Bullish/Bearish on BTC/ETH/BETH) during the subscription period


    Select one of the available options to subscribe

  3. Enter your desired crypto amount to adjust the remaining quota and select Subscribe to finalize your order


    Enter your crypto amount to subscribe to Shark Fin product

What are Structured Products?

Structured products are innovative financial instruments that earn interest from the derivative market. You can choose products based on current market trends and your risk appetite that cater to your investment needs.

There are 3 products introduced in Structured Products:

  • Shark Fin: gain USDT in any market condition with principal protection.

  • Dual Investment: buy and sell crypto at your target price, and earn high returns at the same time.

  • Dual Investment Lite: simplified yield-enhancement with flexible target prices and lower risks.