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We've Expanded our Partnership with Komainu to Offer an Enhanced Off-Exchange Custody Solution to Institutional Clients

We are proud to announce that we've worked with Komainu, a leading regulated digital asset service provider and custodian, built by institutions for institutions, to unveil an expansion of our partnership to offer institutional clients an enhanced off-exchange custody solution, further boosting the security of their digital assets.

In June of last year, we joined Komainu's collateral management platform, Komainu Connect, to offer a secure off-exchange settlement solution for institutional clients. This solution allows institutional clients to trade segregated assets under custody through our platform 24/7. By providing them with the ability to store assets with a regulated third-party custodian, whilst trading on our platform, this solution allows clients to better manage their counterparty risk. The latest enhancements to our off-exchange solution now include the following improvements for institutional clients:

  • Greater scale and support: Supporting both spot and derivatives transactions

  • Automated settlement: Client profit and losses are settled automatically between our platform and the client’s collateral wallet in Komainu, enhancing capital efficiency and further reducing counterparty risk

  • 24/7 collateral adjustment: Users have the ability to adjust the amount of collateral delegated to our platform from the client's regulated collateral wallet, held in Komainu's custody. Delegation is available 24/7 from the Komainu portal

  • Detailed transaction and settlement history: Clients can access this information through the Komainu portal

  • Holistic view of custody and collateral wallets: Providing improved audit capabilities by consolidating relevant information in one place

With the continued influx of institutional traders in the crypto space, our off-exchange solution has attracted a range of digital asset firms seeking an innovative and secure way to trade our products. Available 24/7, this solution offers clients optimized capital use through real-time collateral mirroring and intraday settlement modes, enhancing liquidity and trading efficiency.

On November 15, 2023, we announced our collaboration with Komainu, which included CoinShares, a leading European alternative asset manager specializing in digital assets, as the first client, empowering CoinShares to conduct 24/7 trading through our platform while assets are held in segregated custody with Komainu.

We believe this enhanced custody solution delivers the highest levels of security and efficiency to institutional clients, combining Komainu's regulated custodial services with our robust trading infrastructure and deep liquidity.

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