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We're Investing in Bitcoin’s Long-Term Security Through Grant to 2140 Foundation

  • The grant will support 2140 Foundation's multi-year effort to foster long-term security, resilience and maintainability of the Bitcoin network

  • The grant was unveiled by 2140 Foundation Co-Founder Josie Baker today at Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024

  • We're also offering a €50 BTC signup bonus for every new Dutch customer who trades at least €100 in crypto during Bitcoin Amsterdam week

Today, we're happy to announce a grant to 2140 Foundation, a Bitcoin developer foundation. This funding will support the foundation's multi-year effort to foster long-term security, resilience and maintainability of the Bitcoin network through sustained development, innovation and collaboration among developers and contributors.

The grant was unveiled by 2140 Foundation Co-Founder Josie Baker today at Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024, which took place at Westergas in Amsterdam. In conjunction with the event, we're offering a €50 BTC signup bonus for every new Dutch customer who trades at least €100 in crypto during Bitcoin Amsterdam week, which began on October 7 and ends on October 13. The campaign aims to encourage wider participation in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and showcase our ongoing commitment to the Dutch market.

Since the official launch of our exchange and onchain wallet in the Netherlands, we now offer Dutch customers access to spot trading and convert services for over 170 cryptocurrencies, including 61 crypto-Euro pairs. Our platform's integration with iDEAL and SEPA enables free and instant Euro deposits and withdrawals. Additionally, our OKX Wallet serves as a gateway to the onchain world, enabling users full custody of their digital assets across more than 100 chains.

This grant and our presence as a sponsor at Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024 underscore our longstanding dedication to the Bitcoin ecosystem. We have consistently supported Bitcoin's development, integrating the Lightning Network over two years ago to enable faster BTC transactions. Since 2019, as part of our ongoing grants program, we have given out nearly $2 million in Bitcoin developer grants, focusing on growing the developer ecosystem, as well as efforts around security and adoption. Our ongoing Ordinals World Tour, our Wallet's support of emerging Bitcoin standards like Runes and Fractal Bitcoin, and recent launch of OKX OS - a Bitcoin-friendly onchain infrastructure suite - solidifies our position as a key player in advancing the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Данный контент размещен исключительно в ознакомительных целях и может относиться к продуктам, недоступным в вашем регионе. Контент не является (i) советами или рекомендациями по инвестициям; (ii) предложением или приглашением купить, продать или удерживать цифровые активы; (iii) финансовыми, бухгалтерскими, юридическими или налоговыми советами. Цифровые активы, в частности стейблкоины и NFT, несут высокие риски и могут сильно колебаться в цене. Нужно тщательно взвесить оправданность торговли цифровыми активами или владения ими с учетом финансового положения. При возникновении вопросов, связанных с конкретной ситуацией, рекомендуем проконсультироваться у юридического, налогового или инвестиционного специалиста. Информация в статье, в том числе статистика и рыночные данные (при их наличии), предназначена только для общего ознакомления. Несмотря на все старания при подготовке данных и графиков, мы не несем ответственности ни за какие содержащиеся в них ошибки или упущения. На кошелек OKX Web3 и маркетплейс OKX NFT распространяются отдельные условия обслуживания, которые приведены на сайте www.okx.com.
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