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Crypto Derivatives 8 October 2024

Block Scholes -Bl

Keep up with the latest in crypto market commentary as we share the insights from our institutional research partners.

In this edition, we share the latest crypto derivatives weekly from Block Scholes.

With less than 30 days left until the US Presidential election, the term structure of ATM implied volatility is clearly showing the same dislocation that we have observed for several months. Implied volatility levels for 30-day-tenor options have moved further up, now trading similar levels to longer-dated options. Despite the relative kink, outright volatility levels have dipped in the past week for both majors. Spot price downside volatility in early October has been reflected in derivatives sentiment, with volatility smiles skewing towards puts at pre-election expiries. While levels have since recovered for BTC OTM options, showing a preference overall for OTM calls, ETH volatility smiles still exhibit a premium assigned to puts at short tenors.

ATM Implied Volatility, 1-Month Tenor

Fig1 OKX Currency-Combined-1M-ATM-VOL-ETH

BTC Options

Fig2 BTC SVI Vol term structure

BTC SVI ATM Implied Volatility

Fig3 OKX BTC SVI ATM volatility

Implied volatility levels are slightly lower than last week, but still show a dislocation for the US election on Nov 5, 2024.

BTC 25-Delta Risk Reversal

Fig4 OKX BTC SVI PC skew

Smiles have skewed towards puts for short tenors around the recent short-lived sell-off, before recovering.

ETH Options

Fig5 ETH SVI Vol term structure

ETH SVI ATM Implied Volatility

Fig6 OKX ETH SVI ATM volatility

Implied volatility has showed a decrease in overall levels.

ETH 25-Delta Risk Reversal

Fig7 OKX ETH SVI PC skew

ETH’s skews have dropped for short-dated OTM options, and have not recovered as BTC’s have.

Market Composite Volatility Surface

Fig8 okx snap BTC SMILES.moneyness
Fig9 okx snap ETH SMILES.moneyness

Listed Expiry Volatility Smiles

Fig10 BTC BTC-25OCT24 Listed Expiry
Fig11 ETH ETH-25OCT24 Listed Expiry

Constant Maturity Volatility Smiles

Fig12 BTC-SVI Constant Maturity
Fig13 ETH-SVI Constant Maturity

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The cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and unpredictable, subject to substantial market risks including significant price fluctuations. The strategies, opinions, and analyses included are based on information available at the time of writing and may change without notice. They are also based on certain assumptions and historical data that may not be accurate or applicable in the future. Therefore, reliance on this report for the purpose of making investment decisions is at your own risk.

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Investors should conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The inclusion of any specific cryptocurrencies or trading strategies does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by OKX.

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