Community Feedback Program Terms & Conditions

Опубликовано 9 июл. 2024 г.Обновлено 6 февр. 2025 г.3 мин на чтение1

Community Feedback Program

  • The program dates and participation conditions are limited to the dates and conditions specified in the announcement related to the program.

  • Participants who meet the conditions will be randomly selected and must share their feedback within the specified dates.

  • Any cheating, use of fake accounts, or unethical behavior will result in the disqualification of the participant from this program and the cancellation of rewards.

  • Feedback rewards provided under the program will be sent in USDT to the participants' OKX BR accounts within 30 days from the last feedback submission date.

  • During the program, any changes or updates made by OKX BR will be communicated to participants through official social media accounts.

  • Participants in the program are considered to have accepted the program conditions.

  • Please read all conditions carefully and ensure that you meet the requirements for participant profiles shared in the announcement before joining the program.

  • Under the program, participants are expected to submit feedback on linguistic content issues found in the app, website, and articles (including Support Center and Academy pages) according to the feedback format.

  • Valid feedback types include:

    • Untranslated Content: Instances where content appears in English.

    • Incorrect Translation: Translations that are open to misunderstanding and do not accurately reflect the meaning of the English text.

    • Incorrect Terminology: Misunderstandings or confusion resulting from the use of incorrect terminology.

    • Layout/Format Issues: Issues related to the layout or format of the content, such as overlapping texts or partially visible texts.

    • Other Language-Related Issues: Non-fluent translations, awkward phrases, or unnatural texts.

  • Users must submit their feedback using the shared feedback form.

  • The feedback form should include details such as the platform (website or app), URL (applicable for the website), screenshot, and identified issue.

  • Users will be rewarded with USDT for each valid feedback submission.

    • Reward tiers are as follows:

    • Bronze: 1-5 valid feedback submissions, 25 USDT.

    • Silver: 6-15 valid feedback submissions, 50 USDT.

    • Gold: More than 30 valid feedback submissions, 100 USDT.

    • As an additional benefit, participants will be thanked in the Community Channel for their contributions.

  • Participants will share their feedback within a 30-day period. Rewards will be evaluated for validity after the 30-day feedback sharing period. The rewards earned based on the number of valid feedback will be sent in USDT to the users' OKX BR accounts within 30 days after the program ends.

  • Announcements and updates will be made via email and Telegram.

  • Instructions and the feedback form will be shared with the selected participants before the program.

  • Before the program starts, a training session will be held in the participants' native languages.