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How to Participate in Pudgy Penguins Airdrop

Everything You Need to Know About the Pudgy Penguins Airdrop and PENGU Token

The PENGU token, the official MEME token of Pudgy Penguins, has been making waves in the cryptocurrency world. With the exclusive Pudgy Penguins airdrop announced by OKX, both new and existing users in Singapore have a unique opportunity to participate in this exciting campaign. In this article, we’ll explore the details of the Pudgy Penguins airdrop, including how to claim it, eligibility requirements, and more.

When is Pudgy Penguins Airdrop?

The Pudgy Penguins airdrop is a limited-time event, running from 13 February 2025, 15:15 SGT to 28 February 2025, 12:00 SGT. During this period, eligible users can claim their rewards by completing specific tasks outlined by OKX. It’s important to note that this campaign is exclusive to users in Singapore who register with OKX Singapore (OKX SG Pte. Ltd.) and complete identity verification.

How Big is Pudgy PenguinsAirdrop?

The size of the Pudgy Penguins airdrop depends on several factors, including the number of participants and the completion of required tasks. Rewards are distributed in Bitcoin (BTC) and USDT, calculated based on the 7-day rolling average prices of the BTC-USDT and USDT-SGD pairs. However, the actual reward value may vary due to fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices. Additionally, rewards are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so early participation is encouraged.

How to Claim Pudgy Penguins

To claim the Pudgy Penguins airdrop, follow these steps:

  1. Register with OKX Singapore: Create an account on OKX SG and complete the identity verification process.

  2. Join the Campaign: Click the ‘Join Now’ button on the campaign page to enroll in the airdrop.

  3. Complete Tasks: Fulfill the required trade tasks during the campaign period. Rewards will be credited to your account within three hours of task completion.

  4. Referral Program: Invite friends to join OKX using your referral link. Successful referrals will earn you additional rewards instantly.

For more details, visit the Pudgy Penguins price page on OKX.

Verify Pudgy Penguins

Verification is a crucial step to ensure eligibility for the Pudgy Penguins airdrop. Users must complete identity verification on OKX Singapore by providing accurate personal information. Any attempt to use false information or engage in fraudulent activities will result in disqualification from the campaign. OKX reserves the right to monitor participant behavior and enforce strict compliance with the campaign’s terms and conditions.

How to Participate in Pudgy PenguinsAirdrop

Participating in the Pudgy Penguins airdrop is straightforward. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Check Eligibility: Ensure you are a resident of Singapore and meet the campaign’s requirements.

  2. Sign Up on OKX: Create an account on OKX Singapore and complete the necessary verification steps.

  3. Enroll in the Campaign: Click the ‘Join Now’ button on the campaign page to officially participate.

  4. Complete Tasks: Trade the required assets during the campaign period to qualify for rewards.

  5. Refer Friends: Use the referral program to earn additional rewards by inviting others to join OKX.

By following these steps, you can maximize your chances of receiving rewards from the Pudgy Penguins airdrop.


The Pudgy Penguins airdrop is an exciting opportunity for cryptocurrency enthusiasts in Singapore to engage with the PENGU token. By completing simple tasks and participating in the campaign, users can earn rewards in Bitcoin and USDT. Remember to complete identity verification and adhere to the campaign’s terms and conditions to ensure eligibility. For more information, visit the Pudgy Penguins price page on OKX. Don’t miss out on this limited-time event!

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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