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OKX Ventures Announces Seed Investment in DEXTools, Paving Way for DeFi Analytics Integration

Hong Kong, February 8, 2024 -- OKX Ventures, the investment arm of leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, today announced a seed investment in DEXTools, the leading DeFi analytics platform. The investment establishes a partnership between DEXTools and OKX, who are dedicated to advancing blockchain innovation, and sets the stage for DEXTools analytics to be integrated to the OKX Web3 Platform. 

DEXTools averages 20 million users monthly and surpasses many popular platforms such as X (formerly known as Twitter), Google, YouTube, and Amazon in terms of visit duration. A key player in DeFi since 2020, the platform has quickly established itself as a crucial hub for both enthusiasts and traders navigating the fast-paced world of DeFi.

Following the capital investment, DEXTools plans to introduce new technical features and enhance its suite of tools to be ready for any market conditions. DEXTools equips users with in-depth market analysis and tracking to refine their trading strategies and stay up-to-date on market trends. 

DEXTools' proprietary scoring system for token reliability and its multiple swap features, which will soon include OKX DEX aggregator, will also undergo major enhancements, reaching a wider audience base and reinforcing its leadership position in DeFi analytics. Further technical collaborations and integrations between OKX Web3 and DEXTools are expected to follow. 

OKX Ventures Partner Jeff Ren said: "OKX Ventures' strategic investment in DEXTools is another step in our commitment to powering the development and adoption of Web3. DEXTools is one of the largest DeFi platforms, while the OKX Web3 ecosystem is one of the most powerful and comprehensive on the market. Our strengths combined will allow users to explore and engage with different DeFi projects more easily."

DEXTools Co-Founder Javier Palomino said: "We're very excited about the investment from OKX Ventures and our long-term partnership with OKX's Web3 platform. This is a testament to the strong value we've been providing for our users as we bring innovative solutions to the crypto community. Through this partnership, we aim to facilitate a more transparent, efficient and accessible trading experience for users, as well as further the growth of the DeFi market."

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