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OKX Strengthens Partnership with Tribeca Festival in Second Consecutive Year as Event’s Presenting Partner

  • BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center renamed “OKX Theater at BMCC TPAC” for festival
  • OKX to host Web3 panel on 13 June with the McLaren F1 team’s Zak Brown and Lando Norris

NEW YORK, May 31, 2023OKX, a global-leading Web3 technology company, and Tribeca Festival today announced details of OKX’s second consecutive sponsorship of the Tribeca Festival.

The collaboration combines the power of OKX’s global reach, extensive brand partnerships and growing Web3 ecosystem, including the OKX Wallet, with Tribeca Festival’s renowned creative network, to unlock new opportunities, break barriers, and increase equity for creators through technological innovations, such as cryptocurrency, Web3, and the metaverse.

For the duration of the Festival, OKX will be the official name sponsor of the BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, which will be renamed “The OKX Theater at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center.”

In addition, OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique, McLaren Racing Chief Executive Officer Zak Brown, and McLaren F1 Driver Lando Norris will participate in a panel on June 13 at the Tribeca Festival titled, “Need for Speed: How Technology Powers Change in Sports, Movies, and Crypto.”

Rafique will also deliver a speech on the growing importance of marketing and brand storytelling in the cryptocurrency space as OKX doubles down on Web3 innovation, global partnerships, and growth in new markets while others in the industry scale back.

Throughout the Festival, OKX will outline its view of how Web3 can empower creators, including through the use of its Tribeca Festival NFT pass and by providing attendees with access to a Games & Immersive Experience lounge.

Tribeca Enterprises Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Jane Rosenthal said: “Web3 technology is transforming the way we create and consume, from how art & entertainment is funded to how it is experienced. Now in year two, our partnership with OKX showcases how Tribeca Festival is weaving technology into culture and the creator economy. As we further our collaboration with OKX, we look forward to uncovering new creative avenues made possible by emerging technologies.”

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: “We believe that Web3 technology can foster, protect and empower creators in the years ahead. Tribeca Festival is more than a red carpet event - it’s a chance for creators to come together and discuss the future of arts, culture and entertainment. Web3 is inseparable from this discussion, and at OKX we are committed to developing the tools for everyone to become a creator in this brave new world.”

The latest details of the partnership come on the heels of OKX’s “The System Needs a Rewrite” global brand campaign, which advocates for a new Web3-enabled paradigm to replace existing centralized systems. OKX’s expanded Web3 offerings include: OKX Wallet, DEX, NFT Marketplace, and Web3 Earn.

Disclaimer This announcement is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any investment, tax, or legal advice, nor should it be considered an offer to purchase, sell, or hold digital assets. Digital assets, including stablecoins, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/tax/investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.

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Acest conținut este furnizat doar în scopuri informative și poate acoperi produse care nu sunt disponibile în regiunea dvs. Acesta nu este menit să furnizeze (i) sfaturi sau recomandări de investiții; (ii) o ofertă sau o solicitare de a cumpăra, vinde sau deține cripto/active digitale sau (iii) recomandări financiare, contabile, juridice sau fiscale. Deținerile de cripto/active digitale, inclusiv criptomonede stabile și NFT-uri, presupun un nivel ridicat de risc și pot fluctua foarte mult. Ar trebui să vă gândiți bine dacă tranzacționarea sau deținerea de cripto/active digitale este adecvată pentru dvs., având în vedere situația dvs. financiară. Consultați un specialist în domeniul juridic/fiscal/al investițiilor și adresați-i întrebări cu privire la circumstanțele dvs. specifice. Informațiile (inclusiv datele de piață și informațiile statistice, după caz) care apar în această postare sunt prezentate doar în scop de informare generală. Deși s-au luat toate măsurile rezonabile pentru a pregăti aceste date și grafice, nu acceptăm nicio responsabilitate sau răspundere pentru nicio eroare factuală sau omisiune exprimată aici. Atât OKX Web3 Wallet, cât și OKX NFT Marketplace fac obiectul unor termeni separați privind serviciile, pe care îi puteți consulta la
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