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OKX 'Accelerates Web3' at Token2049 with Daniel Ricciardo and Scotty James and On-Track with McLaren Racing at Singapore Grand Prix

Singapore, September 15, 2023 -- OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, demonstrated its commitment to the growth of Web3 and the digital asset industry in Asia Pacific with OKX Ambassadors Daniel Ricciardo and Scotty James at Token2049, the region's premier Web3 and crypto conference held in Singapore from September 13-14, and debuted the Web3-themed 'Stealth Mode' livery ahead of the Singapore Grand Prix with its partner McLaren Racing.

At the Token2049 conference and across numerous side events in Singapore, OKX's executives, ambassadors and brand partners conveyed an optimistic and forward-looking vision of the industry's development and the potential for widespread Web3 adoption in the coming years.

OKX President Hong Fang, Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique and Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai took to the OKX Mainstage as headline speakers to highlight the region's strategic significance within the Web3 and digital asset ecosystem. Two prominent OKX Ambassadors, Daniel Ricciardo, Scuderia AlphaTauri Formula One driver, and Scotty James, Olympic snowboarder also joined Haider in a fireside chat on how Web3 is changing sports and entertainment.

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique speaks with Danny Ricciardo and Scotty James, sporting stars and OKX Ambassadors, on the OKX Mainstage at Token2049
OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique speaks with Danny Ricciardo and Scotty James, sporting stars and OKX Ambassadors, on the OKX Mainstage at Token2049

During a panel discussion on September 13, titled 'The Future of Crypto: Regulatory Uncertainty and the Path Forward,' Hong Fang, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse and Bitgo Co-Founder and CEO Mike Belshe discussed the evolution of regulatory frameworks around the world and how these developments would shape the approach of crypto firms.

OKX President Hong Fang speaks about the future of the crypto industry on the OKX Mainstage at Token2049
OKX President Hong Fang speaks about the future of the crypto industry on the OKX Mainstage at Token2049

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai spoke on the second day of Token2049 on a panel about the future challenges and opportunities for crypto exchanges alongside executives from Bybit, Kucoin and Bitget.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai on the OKX Mainstage during Day 2 of Token2049
OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai on the OKX Mainstage during Day 2 of Token2049

On September 13, OKX hosted an exclusive media event at Lantern, Fullerton Bay Hotel in collaboration with McLaren Racing to reveal a limited-edition Stealth Mode livery design for the MCL60 race car. The livery, which includes the phrase 'Accelerating Web3' on the rear wing, will be carried on the McLaren MCL60 F1 cars at the 2023 Singapore Grand Prix (September 15-17) and the 2023 Japanese Grand Prix (September 22-24).

OKX-McLaren Livery Reveal
The Stealth Mode livery, designed by OKX and McLaren Racing, to be featured at the Singapore and Japan Grand Prix

In addition, OKX hosted 'OKX Race Club,' a McLaren-themed fanzone for the Singapore Grand Prix from September 14-17 at CHIJMES, where fans were joined by McLaren F1 Driver Lando Norris and McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown on September 14 and 15, respectively. During the event, representatives from the OKX Web3 Team offered motorsport fans who created an OKX Wallet and minted an NFT on the OKX NFT Marketplace OKX-branded swag items, such as caps and t-shirts.

OKX also organized an exclusive function with its Web3 partners Polygon, Lido, DWF Labs and Orbiter Finance called 'Rewrite the System: An OKX Web3 Party' at MARQUEE Singapore on the second day of Token2049. The party featured games, lucky draws, an NFT printer and insightful panel discussions on-chain ecosystem expansion and Web3 infrastructure development.

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: "OKX recognizes the immense potential of Asia Pacific's role in the Web3 landscape. By encouraging industry collaboration at Token2049, leveraging our ambassadors to raise awareness of Web3's potential and engaging F1 fans of all ages through our partnership with McLaren Racing, we are sending a strong message that Web3 is here to stay. OKX will continue to be on the leading edge of innovation as we rewrite a new system that benefits everyone."

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