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How to buy Melania Trump's meme coin, $MELANIA

First Lady Melania Trump announced the launch of her own meme coin $MELANIA on her official X account on 19 Jan 2025. The debut of $MELANIA closely follows the launch of President-elect Donald Trump's own coin, TRUMP, which rose quickly to popularity and hit a market cap of $14.5 billion within the first two hours of launch.

With all the hype now surrounding both Trump family coins, one of the top questions on people's mind would inevitably be: how do I buy Melania coin?

How Many Melania Coins Are There?

Melania Trump's meme coin, $MELANIA, has a total supply of 47 million tokens. Notably, only 15% of this supply was made available to the public during its launch, with the remaining 85% retained by entities associated with Melania Trump. (Source)

Key Details of Melania Coin

  • Asset name: MELANIA

  • Blockchain: Solana

  • $MELANIA Contract Address: FUAfBo2jgks6gB4Z4LfZkqSZgzNucisEHqnNebaRxM1P

How to buy Melania Coin?

Step 1: Set Up a Crypto Wallet

Ensure you have a compatible crypto wallet. Wallets like OKX Wallet, or MetaMask, or Trust Wallet,are widely used for interacting with decentralized exchanges.

  1. Download your preferred wallet from its official website or app store.

  2. Complete the wallet setup by creating a new account and securely saving your seed phrase.

  3. Add the Solana network to your wallet (if not already included) since $MELANIA operates on the Solana blockchain.

Step 2: Fund Your Wallet with SOL

To purchase $MELANIA, you’ll need SOL, the native cryptocurrency of the Solana network, to cover transaction fees and facilitate the trade.

  1. Buy SOL from a centralized exchange like OKX TR

  2. Transfer the SOL to your wallet by copying your wallet’s Solana address and pasting it into the withdrawal field on the exchange platform.

Step 3: Connect Your Wallet to your selected DEX

Step 4: Search for $MELANIA

After connecting your wallet, search for $MELANIA in the token list or manually add its contract address if it’s not listed:

  • $MELANIA Contract Address:


To add the token manually, paste the contract address into the search bar. Verify the symbol and details to ensure accuracy.

Step 5: Swap SOL for $MELANIA

  1. Select SOL as the input token and $MELANIA as the output token.

  2. Enter the amount of SOL you wish to trade for $MELANIA.

  3. Review the estimated output, including network fees, to ensure you’re satisfied with the trade details.

  4. Click Swap and approve the transaction in your wallet.

Step 6: Confirm Your Purchase

Once the transaction is confirmed, $MELANIA tokens will appear in your wallet. If the token doesn’t show automatically, add it manually by inputting the contract address in your wallet.

Tips for buying Melania coin safely

  • Double-check the contract address:

    Avoid phishing scams by verifying the official $MELANIA contract address.

  • Watch for slippage tolerance:

    Depending on market activity, you may need to adjust slippage tolerance in the swap settings to ensure your transaction goes through.

  • Monitor gas fees:

    Solana transactions are generally low-cost, but always ensure you have enough SOL to cover fees.

Buy Melania Coin safely on trusted platforms

Knowing how to buy Melania coin and how to buy Trump coin both requires careful research to make informed decisions. Always verify the authenticity of the coin before making a decision.

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