OKX launches a new structured product Seagull

Publicado em 8 de nov. de 2023Leitura de 2min

Seagull is officially launched and open for subscription on Nov 8, 2023, 12:00 UTC. It's a non-principal protected trend-based investment product that offers a choice between BTC, ETH, or USDT, helping you earn substantial profits in trending market conditions.

How to subscribe on OKX web or app?

  1. Go to Grow > Earn > Structured Products > Seagull
  2. Select a strategy
  • Choose Bullish Seagull if you expect the price to rise
  • Choose Bearish Seagull if you expect the price to fall
  1. Select underlying BTC or ETH
  2. Select term and APR based on your risk appetite
  3. Subscribe with at least 10 USDT, 0.0001 BTC or 0.001 ETH

We offer the following Seagull products:

Strategy Bullish Seagull Bearish Seagull
Product Bullish on BTC Bullish on ETH Bearish on BTC Bearish on ETH
Investment crypto USDT USDT BTC ETH
Term 4 hours - one year 4 hours - one year 4 hours - one year 4 hours - one year
Minimum investment 10 USDT 10 USDT 0.0001 BTC 0.001 ETH
Est APR Over 300% Over 300% Over 300% Over 300%

Watch your earnings soar with Seagull. Start now >>>

OKX team
November 8, 2023