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What is Yescoin: Get to know all about YES

What is Yescoin YES?

Yescoin (ticker: YES) is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency token that is redefining the Web3 rewards ecosystem. Built to transform everyday online actions into tangible economic value, Yescoin YES leverages a dynamic shuffle revenue-sharing system to create a sustainable and robust rewards network. Unlike traditional pay-to-earn models, Yescoin YES ensures that users are rewarded for simple tasks such as liking a post, following a Twitter page, or playing a game. This innovative approach has already attracted over 13 million users, with a goal of reaching 100 million by the end of 2025.

Advertisers play a key role in the Yescoin ecosystem by funding engaging tasks like app downloads, website sign-ups, and video views. These micro-actions collectively fuel a fair and sustainable economic flow, making Yescoin YES a unique player in the cryptocurrency space.

Who Founded Yescoin?

The origins of Yescoin are tied to two individuals, Zhang Chi and Wang Mouxin, who are believed to be the Yescoin founders. However, the exact details remain unclear due to ongoing internal disputes. Despite this ambiguity, the vision behind Yescoin has remained steadfast, focusing on empowering users through a community-driven rewards system. The Yescoin founders have laid the groundwork for a token that prioritizes inclusivity and sustainability in the Web3 space.

Yescoin: A New Era of Digital Rewards

Yescoin YES is not just another cryptocurrency; it is a token designed to revolutionize how users interact with digital platforms. By turning everyday online activities into earning opportunities, Yescoin YES has positioned itself as a leader in the Web3 rewards sector. The token's unique shuffle revenue-sharing model ensures that both users and advertisers benefit from a balanced and equitable ecosystem.

The Yescoin trendin among users and advertisers alike is a testament to its innovative approach. With its initial token sale launched on March 11, 2025, Yescoin YES has already made significant strides in the cryptocurrency market. The initial market cap of $7,625,000 and a token price of $0.00035 highlight its potential for growth and adoption.

Yescoin Asset Name and Tokenomics

The official asset name of the token is Yescoin, with the ticker symbol YES. The total token supply is capped at 100,000,000,000 YES, with 11,000,000,000 YES allocated for initial distribution. The Token Generation Event (TGE) resulted in a Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) of $50 million, showcasing the token's strong market entry.

Yescoin YES operates on a sustainable economic model that ensures long-term viability. By aligning user incentives with advertiser goals, Yescoin YES creates a win-win scenario for all stakeholders. This innovative approach has made Yescoin trendin in the cryptocurrency community, further solidifying its position as a leader in the Web3 rewards space.

YES: How to Get Started

Getting started with Yescoin YES is simple and accessible. Users can join the platform and participate in various mini-games on Telegram to earn points and rewards. These points can be converted into Yescoin, USDT, and other prizes. The platform's user-friendly interface and engaging activities make it easy for anyone to start earning with Yescoin YES.

For those interested in purchasing the token, the Yescoin launch took place on March 11, 2025. Tokens can be bought directly from the official website, yescoin.foundation. The platform also offers an exclusive Community Round, allowing early adopters to acquire tokens at a discounted rate.

Yescoin Contract Address

The Yescoin contract address is a critical piece of information for users looking to interact with the token on the blockchain. While the specific contract address is not provided in this article, users are encouraged to visit the official Yescoin website or trusted cryptocurrency platforms to obtain accurate and up-to-date details. Ensuring the correct Yescoin contract address is essential for secure transactions and token management.


Yescoin YES is a revolutionary token that is reshaping the Web3 rewards landscape. By turning everyday online actions into tangible economic value, Yescoin YES offers a sustainable and inclusive approach to digital rewards. With its innovative shuffle revenue-sharing model, strong tokenomics, and a growing user base, Yescoin YES is poised to become a major player in the cryptocurrency market.

To learn more about the token's current value, visit the Yescoin price page. Whether you're a user, advertiser, or investor, Yescoin YES offers a unique opportunity to participate in the future of on-chain earning.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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