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OKX Launches 'Web3 DeFi Bonus Season' Campaign, Giving Users the Opportunity to Earn an Additional APR of Up to 14%

Singapore, November 20, 2023 -- OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, today announced the launch of its 'Web3 DeFi Bonus Season' campaign, offering users who stake ETH via its OKX DeFi aggregator the opportunity to receive an additional Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of up to 14%* on their staked funds.

The campaign, which runs until February 12, 2024 at 10:00 (UTC), rewards OKX DeFi users who stake their assets into the liquidity pools of the following liquidity protocols - Lido, Pendle, Equilibria, Penpie, Stader and Swell - with an enhanced APR ranging from 2.4% to 14%, in addition to any base APR.

The additional APR received by users who participate in this campaign will depend on the specific protocol and liquidity pool chosen by the user. Users also have the opportunity to increase their APR by staking the rewards they may receive from one protocol's liquidity pool into another protocol's liquidity pool.

For example, OKX DeFi users who stake ETH through the Lido protocol can receive an enhanced APR of up to 3% in the form of stETH, in addition to any base APR. These users can then stake their stETH into one of Pendle's stETH liquidity pools, such as stETH 2024/12/26, to receive Pendle's LP tokens. By subsequently staking tokens into the liquidity pools of Equilibria or Penpie, users have the opportunity to avail of more ways to boost their APR and token rewards.**

This campaign also marks OKX's extended partnership with Lido; OKX initially partnered with Lido on August 22 to launch an ETH staking campaign that gave users the opportunity to earn an enhanced APR of up to 3%. OKX and Lido have once again partnered for the 'Web3 DeFi Bonus Season' campaign, showcasing their shared dedication to providing Web3 users with a seamless and secure ETH staking experience.

*Note: The total rewards for this campaign are capped at US$300,000. For the campaign's full terms and conditions, click here.

** Digital assets, including stablecoins, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

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Aktywa cyfrowe, w tym stablecoiny, wiążą się z wysokim stopniem ryzyka i mogą ulegać dużym wahaniom. Należy starannie rozważyć, czy handel lub posiadanie aktywów cyfrowych są dla Ciebie odpowiednie w świetle Twojej sytuacji finansowej i tolerancji ryzyka. OKX nie udziela rekomendacji dotyczących inwestycji i aktywów. To Ty ponosisz wyłączną odpowiedzialność za swoje decyzje inwestycyjne, a OKX nie odpowiada za ewentualne straty. Wyniki z przeszłości nie są wskaźnikiem przyszłych rezultatów. Skonsultuj się z ekspertem z zakresu prawa/podatków/inwestycji, aby omówić swoją indywidualną sytuację. Funkcje OKX Web3, w tym OKX Web3 Wallet i OKX NFT Marketplace, podlegają osobnym warunkom korzystania dostępnym na www.okx.com.
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