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The Smart Trader's Debrief #5: Tackling sideways markets

Smart Arbitrage

What is Smart Arbitrage?

Smart Arbitrage is a trading strategy that helps you hedge against market price fluctuations. It works by maintaining a delta-neutral position, meaning you hold equal but opposite positions in both the spot market (buying) and the perpetual swap market (selling). This balance makes sure that any gains or losses cancel each other out, minimizing the impact of price swings. The main earnings come from collecting funding fees, especially when the funding rate is positive.

Why does Smart Arbitrage matter to traders?

In the unpredictable crypto market, managing risk is crucial. Smart Arbitrage offers a way to protect your positions from sudden price changes while still earning steady returns. By staying delta-neutral, you can focus on making gains from funding fee differences without taking on excessive risk.

How does Smart Arbitrage work?

This content is only supported in a Lark DocsHere’s a simulation of the Smart Arbitrage bot in action:

  1. Setting up positions: You buy a cryptocurrency in the spot market and sell the same amount in the perpetual swap market. For example, with 2,100 USDT and a BTC spot price of 65,000 USDT, you’d allocate 2,000 USDT to buy BTC and 100 USDT to short BTC using 20x leverage.

  2. Earning funding fees: If the funding rate is 0.01%, you’d earn 0.2 USDT per cycle, which adds up to 219 USDT annually, giving you a 10.43% annualized return.

  3. Managing costs: Fees and basis changes between spot and swap prices affect your gains. To minimize costs, enter trades when the basis is wide and exit when the spread narrows.

What makes Smart Arbitrage popular?

The OKX Smart Arbitrage Bot simplifies and automates this strategy, making it easy to use for all traders. It’s unique because it maintains a delta-neutral position, reducing the risk of market fluctuations. The bot also offers two modes:

  • Custom Mode: Allows users to set an earnings target and choose strategies with high annual returns based on their own research.

  • Smart Mode: The system automatically recommends the best strategy for the user, managing take-profit, stop-loss, and position adjustments intelligently.

When's the best time to use Smart Arbitrage?

The strategy’s effectiveness depends on curent market conditions, which is why careful research and technical analysis is important.

  • Bullish market: In a bullish market, where borrowing rates for USDT are high, alternative trading products may offer higher returns. During these times, the opportunity cost of using capital for arbitrage trades may be higher, making the arbitrage bot less competitive.

  • Bearish or sideways market: In bearish or sideways markets, where the demand for USDT loans is lower, the arbitrage bot shines. With less competition for borrowing and potentially lower funding rates, the bot can better capitalize on funding fee differences, offering higher returns compared to other products.

Risks and considerations of Smart Arbitrage

While generally low-risk, there are potential risks:

  • Slippage risk: Differences in liquidity can lead to slippage when closing positions.

  • Delta inconsistency risk: Short-term mismatches in position sizes can occur during market volatility.

  • Forced liquidation Risk: If the market moves against your position, forced liquidation can happen in the perpetual swap market.

  • ADL risk: In extreme conditions, automatic deleveraging may impact your positions.

To sum up, Smart Arbitrage is a powerful strategy for traders looking to potentially make consistent gains while managing risk in the volatile crypto market. By leveraging the OKX Smart Arbitrage Bot, traders can automate this strategy, making it easier to execute and more accessible to users of all experience levels. Whether you’re navigating a bullish, bearish, or sideways market, Smart Arbitrage offers a way to grow your holdings over time, making it a valuable addition to any trader’s toolkit.

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