If you're into your memecoins, you know the early bird catches the worm.
Opportunity favours the first when it comes to memecoin moves.
You see the typical signs: Early entry on low liquidity and market capitalisation, quickly growing as others ape-in (buy) after you. The more buyers ape-in, the higher the market cap and price rise. Early entry on low liquidity and small (market) cap is affirmed by the influx of hungry memecoin bounty hunters.
As the market cap inches close to its target, you're mere moments away from launching on the decentralised exchange (DEX). A process known as the bonding curve - a mathematical function that determines the price of a memecoin based on its supply and demand.
The bonding curve model takes a small amount from each token purchase and allocates it to the curve so that a token can never be illiquid, allowing traders to sell, even if the price falls significantly.
You watch as the bonding curve nears completion and the DEX launch imminent. It's the calm before the storm. The fun is about to get serious.
Introducing Meme Factory on OKX - the new home of opportunity for memecoin moonshots.
Meme Factory is the new fast and frictionless way to discover early opportunities on memecoins before (and just after) they launch on Solana, Tron, SUI, Blast, Tendermint and Cosmos.
Meme Factory showcases all the upcoming DEX launch tokens on:
Pump.fun: Solana and Blast
SunPump: Tron
MovePump: SUI
Moonshot: Solana, Tendermint, Cosmos
You can filter memecoin opportunities by:
Finalizing (which means, soon to launch on DEX)
Newly launched (just launched on DEX)
Market cap
Early opportunities now live on OKX's new Meme Factory, with more memecoin launchpads and blockchains added frequently.
You'll find Meme Factory inside your OKX Wallet on your mobile.
Find your next big memecoin move on Meme Factory today.
Happy hunting.
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