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We've Simplified Crypto Arbitrage with Enhanced 'Smart Arbitrage' Trading Bot

  • With this latest update, we're simplifying crypto arbitrage by automating spot and perpetual futures position placements for eligible users of our 'Smart Arbitrage' bot

We're pleased to announce a major update to our Smart Arbitrage trading bot, making the tool more user-friendly and accessible for traders of all experience levels. This automated trading tool helps eligible users to optimize potential returns while mitigating market risks through the strategic maintenance of balanced positions across spot and perpetual futures markets.

Previously, eligible users of our Arbitrage bot had to manually place their spot and perpetual futures orders. With this latest update, we're eliminating this complexity by automating the placement of these positions directly through its built-in AI technology. This makes the bot more intuitive and easier to manage, catering to a wider range of traders.

Unlike other trading methods, the Smart Arbitrage bot operates on a preset, delta-neutral strategy, aimed at reducing the potential risks posed by market fluctuations. By automating this strategy, the bot enables traders to concentrate on earning from funding fee differences, enhancing their potential to optimize returns via two distinct trading modes:

  • Custom Mode: Traders can select strategies with the potential of high returns based on personal research and set their own profit targets.

  • Smart Mode: The bot automatically recommends the optimal strategy, managing take-profit, stop-loss and position adjustments.

Arbitrage is an advanced trading strategy aimed at neutralizing the risks associated with fluctuating crypto market conditions. It works by simultaneously buying crypto in the spot market and selling the same amount in the perpetual futures market. By doing so, it offers the potential to minimize the impact of price swings. To learn more, read our blog.

Not all products offered in all regions. Trading in pre-market futures is highly risky due to such factors as lower liquidity, higher price volatility, and there is increased liquidation risk. Not all tokens underlying pre-market futures will ultimately be listed on OKX. Users will not receive underlying tokens. OKX retains sole discretion to adjust any listing, extend or terminate the futures contract and/or settlement date for the futures contract, or suspend trading in pre-market futures. For more details, please refer to the OKX Terms of Service and Risk & Compliance Disclosure.

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