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Our $10M Telegram Growth Hub selects seven projects shaping TON's future

Seven projects have been selected for the first cohort of our $10 million Telegram Growth Hub, jointly launched by our venture capital arm OKX Ventures, The Open Platform (TOP) and Folius Ventures.

Each project aims to build practical applications on TON, leveraging its infrastructure and Telegram's extensive user base. Here's what they're working on:

Real-world utility

  • ShareX: Building a sharing economy framework starting with power banks, using their Deshare Protocol to bring real-world assets onto TON

  • Up Network: Creating ambient intelligence solutions for decentralized physical infrastructure, supported by Borderless and Animoca

Trading and financial infrastructure

  • Zoo Finance INL: Introducing Liquid Node Tokens (LNT) to standardize node ownership and trading, backed by CMS Holdings and Signum Capital

Social experiences and gaming

  • Aria: Developing a gaming ecosystem on TON, supported by Folius Ventures and Galaxy Interactive

  • Heyo: Creating location-based social experiences

  • Metya: Building a next-generation dating platform combining AI with DePIN

  • FunX: Building a platform for creative ideas and inspiring your passion for fun by introducing the mini-game 'Coin Wars'

The selected teams will participate in a comprehensive two-month acceleration program designed to fast-track their development on TON, benefiting from:

  • Capital for talent acquisition and community building

  • Access to our suite of developer resources, such as OKX Mini Wallet, a powerful new solution designed to streamline wallet integration for developers building on TON

  • Mentorship, guidance and networking from experts, marketing support and introductions to key stakeholders in the OKX, TOP and Folius Ventures networks

As teams progress through the program, we'll share updates on their development milestones and launches via our social and community channels. Applications remain open for future cohorts, welcoming developers who see potential in building practical blockchain applications on TON.

Apply now:

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