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How to Participate in PAWS Airdrop

Everything You Need to Know About the PAWS Airdrop and How to Participate

The PAWS airdrop is an exciting opportunity for users to earn rewards based on their activity within the Telegram mini-app ecosystem and blockchain. By leveraging past participation in projects like Notcoin and DOGS, PAWS offers a unique reward system that incentivizes engagement and achievements. This article will guide you through all the essential details about the PAWS airdrop, including how to claim, verify, and participate.

When is PAWS Airdrop?

The timeline for the PAWS airdrop has been officially announced, providing users with clear dates to prepare for claiming their rewards. Here’s a breakdown of the key dates:

  • March 10, 2025: The PAWS allocation checker went live, allowing users to verify their eligibility.

  • March 11, 2025: The claiming process for the airdrop begins.

  • March 13-15, 2025: Users can claim their tokens on centralized exchanges (CEXs).

  • March 17, 2025: Deposits open on supported exchanges.

  • March 18, 2025: The official listing date for PAWS tokens, with Solana on-chain claiming available for qualified users.

Mark these dates on your calendar to ensure you don’t miss out on the PAWS airdrop.

How Big is PAWS Airdrop?

The scale of the PAWS airdrop is significant, as it rewards users based on their historical participation in top-tier projects like Notcoin and DOGS. While the exact token allocation per user depends on their activity and past airdrop allocations, the initiative aims to distribute a substantial amount of PAWS tokens to eligible participants. This approach not only incentivizes early adopters but also strengthens the community by rewarding loyal users.

The integration with the TON blockchain ensures that the distribution process is secure and efficient, minimizing transaction fees and delays. Users can check their allocation using the PAWS allocation checker, which went live on March 10, 2025.

How to Claim PAWS

Claiming your tokens from the PAWS airdrop is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to ensure you receive your rewards:

  1. Verify Eligibility: Use the PAWS allocation checker to confirm your eligibility for the airdrop. This tool calculates your rewards based on your past activity in projects like Notcoin and DOGS.

  2. Connect Your Wallet: Ensure you have a TON-compatible wallet connected to the PAWS mini-app on Telegram. This step is crucial for receiving your tokens.

  3. Complete Tasks: Engage with the PAWS ecosystem by completing tasks such as joining Telegram groups, following channels, and referring friends.

  4. Claim Your Tokens: Once the claiming process begins on March 11, 2025, follow the instructions provided in the PAWS mini-app to claim your tokens.

For more details on the token’s value, check the PAWS price.

Verify PAWS

To ensure the authenticity of your rewards and avoid scams, it’s essential to verify your PAWS tokens. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Use the Official Allocation Checker: Only use the official PAWS allocation checker to verify your eligibility and token allocation.

  • Check Wallet Integration: Ensure your TON-compatible wallet is securely connected to the PAWS mini-app.

  • Avoid Third-Party Links: Be cautious of phishing attempts and only use official PAWS channels for claiming and verifying your tokens.

By following these steps, you can confidently participate in the PAWS airdrop without any concerns about security.

How to Participate in PAWS Airdrop

Participating in the PAWS airdrop is designed to be simple and rewarding. Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Engage with the PAWS Mini-App: Start by actively using the PAWS mini-app on Telegram. This includes completing tasks, joining groups, and engaging with the community.

  2. Refer Friends: Take advantage of the referral program, which rewards you with 10% of the tokens earned by your referrals.

  3. Stay Active: The more you engage with the PAWS ecosystem, the higher your rewards. This includes participating in related projects and maintaining an active account.

  4. Prepare Your Wallet: Ensure your TON-compatible wallet is ready to receive tokens before the snapshot date.

By following these steps, you can maximize your rewards and fully participate in the PAWS airdrop.


The PAWS airdrop is a groundbreaking initiative that rewards users for their achievements and engagement within the Telegram mini-app ecosystem and blockchain. With a clear timeline, secure distribution process, and significant rewards, it’s an excellent opportunity for early adopters and active participants. Don’t forget to verify your eligibility, connect your wallet, and complete the necessary tasks to claim your tokens. For more information on the token’s value, visit the PAWS price.

Stay active, stay engaged, and make the most of the PAWS airdrop!

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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