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OKX Ventures Joins Ethereum Climate Platform As a Launch Partner to Advance Sustainability in Web3

SINGAPORE, December 6, 2023 -- OKX Ventures, the investment arm of leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, today announced that it has joined the Ethereum Climate Platform (ECP) as a launch partner, underscoring its commitment to sustainability and decarbonization in the Web3 ecosystem.

The ECP is an innovative platform created after the transformative Ethereum Merge, leveraging the best of Web3 and traditional climate finance, technology, structures, and services. The platform is designed to galvanize climate solutions with Web3 innovation and address Ethereum's carbon emissions since its launch in 2015.

OKX Ventures, with the support of the OKX Web3 team, joined a coalition of companies dedicated to expediting decarbonization and amplifying climate action through the deployment of cutting-edge technology and the cultivation of digital environmental assets. These are instrumental in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering enduring environmental and societal benefits. OKX’s rigorous approach to “proof of reserves” demonstrates a commitment to the unique properties of blockchains as a tool to track and validate critical metrics, a principle that is also essential for effective climate investment.

Facilitated by Consensys and climate tech firm Allinfra, other launch partners of the ECP include industry leaders like Microsoft, Polygon and NEAR Foundation.

OKX Ventures Partner Jeff Ren said: "As an active member of The Nature Conservancy, I'm thrilled that the OKX Ventures and OKX Web3 teams are collaborating with the Ethereum Climate Platform. This partnership underscores our shared commitment to integrating social responsibility and environmental stewardship into Web3 systems globally. We embrace this opportunity and responsibility to pioneer sustainable blockchain innovation to create lasting value for both people and the planet."

ECP Executive Director Anna Lerner said: "Through this partnership, the OKX Ventures and Web3 teams are demonstrating their leadership in sustainable innovation across Web3. Its partnership with the Ethereum Climate Platform and support of Gitcoin demonstrate a dedication to ESG principles, open-source collaboration and community support. This partnership also signals a new era of eco-conscious blockchain advancement."

OKX Ventures' participation in the ECP sets a new standard for environmentally conscious blockchain advancement in the Web3 space. It is also an important step toward its vision of an open, equitable and sustainable future of Web3.

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