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Our Investment in Monad Labs to Fuel Innovation in Web3 and Decentralized Computing

We're proud to announce our strategic investment in Monad Labs, which is developing a developer-forward smart contract platform that is poised to revolutionize the decentralized digital landscape.

This investment underscores our commitment to supporting innovative projects at the forefront of blockchain technology and decentralized ecosystems.

Monad Labs, a leader in innovation, offers a revolutionary platform that scales Ethereum by 1000x through parallel execution and superscalar pipelining of Ethereum transactions. By combining advanced technologies with a focus on scalability and efficiency, Monad Labs is pioneering a new era in decentralized computing, enabling developers and users to fully harness the potential of Web3.

Our investment will equip Monad Labs with the resources and support needed to accelerate the development and adoption of its platform. Monad Labs aims to enable developers to build high-performance decentralized applications (dApps) that can scale to meet the demands of mass adoption, ushering in a new era of innovation and accessibility in the blockchain space.

As a prominent investor in the blockchain sector, we remain dedicated to identifying and nurturing projects that demonstrate the potential to drive positive change within the industry. The investment in Monad Labs reflects our confidence in the team's technology and vision, as well as its dedication to fostering sustainable growth in the blockchain ecosystem.

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