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Upgrades to our McLaren F1 branding

Hong Kong, January 17, 2024

Side hero

OKX, a leading Web3 technology company and Official Primary Partner of the McLaren Formula 1 Team, today announced that as part of an expansion of its partnership with the team, the OKX logo will be featured on the side pods of the McLaren F1 car livery for 20 races in the 2024 F1 season, in addition to other OKX branding placements on the car.


McLaren's new 2024 car livery, announced on 16 January and featuring the OKX branded side pods took inspiration from the OKX-McLaren jointly designed "Stealth Mode" livery revealed in September 2023.

Haider Rafique, OKX Chief Marketing Officer said: "We are thrilled to be part of the new McLaren F1 Team campaign 'Whatever it Takes.' We love the spirit that McLaren is taking into the 2024 season and we are excited to see that elements from our co-designed livery from Singapore have been integrated in this year's design. It feels like this will be a special year for McLaren and an epic one for our partnership as well."


McLaren Racing CEO, Zak Brown said: "Our partnership with OKX is going from strength to strength and we’ve delivered some fantastic fan activations last season. I look forward to building on that success through this expanded relationship, and to keeping the innovative and forward-thinking OKX brand front and centre in the fast-paced world of Formula 1.”

This extended partnership between OKX and the McLaren Formula 1 team is a significant step in bridging the dynamic worlds of Web3 and blockchain and elite motorsport, bringing fans and enthusiasts closer to the intersection of technology, innovation and speed.

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