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Our $5 Million Investment in TON Ventures, Powering Next Wave of Telegram-Native Apps

  • Investment expands our Ventures arm's commitment to TON ecosystem, following recent launch of $10M Telegram Growth Hub

  • The $5M investment is aimed at establishing a network of experienced builders to develop best practices for TON applications

Today, our Ventures arm is happy to announce a $5 million investment in TON Ventures, a venture capital fund dedicated to accelerating growth within The Open Network (TON) blockchain ecosystem. The investment is aimed at establishing a network of experienced builders to develop best practices for TON applications.

This move complements our recently launched $10 Million Telegram Growth Hub, in partnership with The Open Platform and Folius Ventures, by focusing on technical expertise and development standards. With direct access to Telegram's 950 million monthly active users and successful mini-apps like Notcoin, OKX Racer and Catizen, TON continues to demonstrate strong potential for mass adoption.

Led by former TON Foundation executives Ian Wittkopp (Director of Acceleration) and Inal Kardan (Gaming Lead), TON Ventures is primarily focused on backing early-stage consumer applications building on TON, with an emphasis on decentralized finance, gaming, creator economy and infrastructure projects. The fund has shown early success backing projects like the DeLabs and Goat Gaming platforms, creator economy infrastructure like Memetics that enable Telegram communities to build mini-economies, and AI applications like Grably that leverage TON and Telegram to source data for AI models.

As one of TON's earliest supporters, our investment in and partnership with TON Ventures deepens our commitment to fostering a robust ecosystem of skilled builders. The TON ecosystem needs experienced developers who understand both technical best practices and user experience requirements for Telegram-native applications. This investment, alongside the recently launched Telegram Growth Hub, demonstrates our long-term conviction in TON's potential to drive mainstream adoption of onchain technologies. We're excited to work closely with TON Ventures' founding team, whose deep ecosystem expertise will be invaluable in scaling the next generation of TON-native applications.

Having secured $40 million in initial funding, TON Ventures combines deep ecosystem expertise through its founders Ian and Inal. The fund typically deploys investments of up to $500,000 for early-stage projects, while maintaining flexibility for larger opportunities. In the coming months, TON Ventures will focus on supporting the emergence of midcore gaming experiences, an expansion of monetization tools available to creators and the continued growth of the decentralized finance sector on TON.

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