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OKX Partners with SignalPlus to Bring Advanced Options Trading Tools to its Users

VICTORIA, Seychelles, May 11, 2023 - OKX, the second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, today announced that it has partnered with SignalPlus, an enterprise technology company, to provide advanced trading analytics tools to its users.

This partnership will enhance the options trading experience for OKX users by providing them with access to SignalPlus' all-in-one dashboard at no extra cost. The dashboard offers OKX users a variety of features:

  • In-depth options pricing, analytics, liquidity aggregation and multi-vendor connectivity, with an intuitive and user-friendly interface
  • The 'Smart Dealing' feature enables traders to execute multi-legged orders using embedded algorithms, which can result in better executions while minimizing slippage
  • Simulation and scenario analysis tools give traders the capability to stress-test Profit and Loss (PnL) and exposure ahead of time
  • The 'Dynamic Delta Hedge' (DDH) feature lets traders automate delta hedging needs across all market conditions, providing a powerful tool to manage risk exposure in a dynamic trading environment
  • Traders can remain updated on the status of their trades and transactions through real-time Telegram push notifications
  • A fully customizable panel view that displays inventory, order history and real-time market data

OKX Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "We're excited to work with SignalPlus to bring its world-class trading analytics tools to our users. The options trading market is constantly evolving, and we're thrilled to be at the forefront of that evolution by expanding our suite of options trading tools and products."

SignalPlus Co-Founder and CEO Chris Yu said: "We are thrilled to partner with OKX and bring our industry-leading options trading analytics tools to its users. OKX is a key partner of ours, as we both share the same goal of empowering users to make more informed trading decisions and manage risks more effectively."

In the coming weeks, OKX will team up with SignalPlus to launch an options trading competition and co-create a Crypto Options Trading Academy.

Disclaimer This announcement is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any investment, tax, or legal advice, nor should it be considered an offer to purchase, sell, or hold digital assets. Digital assets, including stablecoins, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/tax/investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.

Deze inhoud is alleen bedoeld voor informatieve doeleinden en kan betrekking hebben op producten die niet beschikbaar zijn in jouw regio. Het is niet bedoeld om (i) beleggingsadvies of een beleggingsaanbeveling te geven; (ii) een aanbod of verzoek te doen om cryptovaluta/digitale activa te kopen, verkopen of aan te houden, of (iii) financieel, boekhoudkundig, juridisch of fiscaal advies te geven. Het aanhouden van cryptovaluta/digitale activa, waaronder stablecoins en NFT's, brengt een hoge mate van risico met zich mee en kan sterk fluctueren. Je moet zorgvuldig overwegen of het verhandelen of aanhouden van cryptovaluta/digitale activa geschikt is voor je in het licht van je financiële situatie. Raadpleeg je juridisch/fiscaal/beleggingsadviseur voor vragen over jouw specifieke omstandigheden. Informatie (inclusief marktgegevens en statistische informatie, indien van toepassing) in dit bericht is alleen voor algemene informatiedoeleinden. Hoewel alle redelijke zorg is besteed aan de voorbereiding van deze gegevens en grafieken, wordt er geen verantwoordelijkheid of aansprakelijkheid aanvaard voor eventuele fouten of weglatingen hierin. Zowel OKX Web3 Wallet als OKX NFT Marketplace zijn onderworpen aan afzonderlijke servicevoorwaarden op
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