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Introducing our 'Ordinals Launchpad': empowering creators to bring their artistic visions to Bitcoin

Today, we're happy to announce the launch of our 'Ordinals Launchpad,' an all-in-one platform that empowers creators to launch, inscribe and trade collections directly on Bitcoin. The platform simplifies the technical complexities of Bitcoin inscriptions while providing creators with the tools, visibility and support needed to build thriving communities.

With Bitcoin recently surpassing $108k and Ordinals surpassing over 72 million inscriptions to date, creators are increasingly looking to tell their stories on the world's first blockchain. Our 'Ordinals Launchpad' builds on this momentum by removing traditional barriers to entry while maintaining the decentralized principles that make Bitcoin unique. 

The platform, now available on web and mobile, combines essential creator tools with seamless user experience:

  • Industry-leading 'SelfScribe' technology: Collectors can inscribe directly onchain at time of mint through our SelfScribe technology, eliminating pre-inscription requirements and ensuring true self-custody from the start with zero technical knowledge needed

  • Unified creation and trading: All-in-one platform enabling creators to inscribe, launch and trade directly onchain through a single interface

  • Multi-marketplace integration: Listing capabilities across major marketplaces post-mint

  • Competitive creator fees: 2.5% launch fees, offering the lowest rates among competitors, maximizing creator revenue

  • Zero trading fees: No fees for collectors trading on the marketplace post-mint

  • Creator-first payment flow: All proceeds go directly to creators' wallets through onchain settlement, giving creators complete control over their pricing and distribution

  • Flexible launch mechanics: Creators can customize their launch with flexible minting rounds, including allowlist and public sale options

  • Global marketing reach: Projects have the opportunity to benefit from exposure to our extensive social media presence, along with marketing support and community channels

The platform debuts officially with 'Geminions,' the first Ordinals collection from JRNE, a community-driven Web3 jewelry brand pioneering NFC-enabled authentication on Bitcoin, demonstrating how established brands can bring their creative vision to Bitcoin's ecosystem. This launch comes as trading volume for Ordinals, Runes and BRC-20 collections on our Marketplace has increased 50% since November 6, highlighting growing market demand.

Building on our significant market share in BRC-20, Ordinals and Runes, our Wallet continues to lead Bitcoin innovation as one of the first major platforms to embrace these emerging token standards. As an early adopter and innovator in the Bitcoin ecosystem, we continue to expand our offerings with 'Ordinals Launchpad,' complementing our recently launched 'Creators Collective' - an invite-only community fostering collaboration among builders, curators and artists.

Upcoming drops will be available on our Drops Bitcoin ecosystem page ahead of the mint date. Stay up to date here.

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