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Our Partnership with Immutable to Unveil a GameFi Launchpad, Paving the Way for the Next Billion Users in Web3 Gaming

Today, we're excited to announce a new strategic partnership with Immutable, the leading Web3 gaming platform. This partnership will include the introduction of a GameFi NFT launchpad and the integration of Immutable's gaming-focused zkEVM chain into our OKX Marketplace and OKX Wallet. We aim to transform how more than 50 million users engage with and access NFTs and digital assets within the gaming space.

This partnership will benefit game studios, players, and gaming ecosystem participants with:

  • A dedicated GameFi launchpad on the OKX NFT Marketplace, in partnership with Immutable

  • The integration of the gaming-centric Immutable zkEVM chain, a groundbreaking scaling solution powered by Polygon, into our OKX Marketplace and OKX Wallet

  • The integration of our Web3 Wallet into Immutable’s player identity solution, Passport

  • The inclusion of our OKX NFT Marketplace in Immutable’s Orderbook and Marketplace Network

  • Support of Immutable zkEVM chain on our ecosystem

Robbie Ferguson, Co-founder and President of Immutable said: "Collaborating with OKX aligns with our mission to bring digital proprietorship to every gamer in the world. OKX's robust ecosystem and cutting-edge technology combined with Immutable's Web3 gaming expertise allows us to open new gaming experiences for millions of players worldwide."

The launch of our GameFi launchpad is set to take place in the upcoming months, just in time to support highly anticipated global gaming launches planned for Immutable zkEVM chain, including Guild of Guardians, Shardbound, and Metalcore. Games building on Immutable will now be able to tap into OKX, including our comprehensive educational resource, Cryptopedia, to reach a wider audience and enhance player experience.

Our Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau said: "Web3 gaming is on the verge of becoming mainstream, and at OKX, we are committed to making our wallet and marketplace the best way to access these next generation of games and their items. With over 270 titles in development on Immutable's zkEVM chain, OKX wallet users will enjoy a smooth onboarding process, gameplay, and management of their in-game assets. We can’t wait to discover the new game experiences that our partnership will bring."

Immutable recently disclosed a 900% increase in signed games year-over-year in Q1 ‘24 vs Q1 ‘23. The recent growth has seen the company sign over 75 games in the past three months alone, bringing the total games available on Immutable to over 270 – in line with the 70% market share reported by Messari in late 2023. Both of these milestones, along with this partnership, point to the immense interest and growth of the Web3 gaming industry.

Both we at OKX and Immutable are eager to harness the potential of this partnership, confident in its capacity to enrich gamer experience and draw the next billion users to the space.

For ongoing updates, please visit and

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