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OKX Announces Diamond Sponsorship and Headline Speakers for Hong Kong Fintech Week 2023

  • OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai and OKX Ventures Partner Jeff Ren will speak at this year's main conference

Hong Kong, October 27, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and virtual asset exchange, today announced its diamond sponsorship of Hong Kong Fintech Week 2023, Asia's flagship financial technology conference, and unveiled its speaker line-up for the event, which takes place on November 2-3 at the Hong Kong Convention Centre.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai and OKX Ventures Partner Jeff Ren will speak at this year's main conference and share their views on the development of Web3 technology, opportunities for investment, market growth and Hong Kong's role in driving fintech development.

During the two-day conference, OKX will also host workshops to dive deep into key areas of Web3, allowing participants to gain an insider's look at the latest Web3 innovations and trends. In addition, attendees who visit OKX's booth (booth number: FA03) will have the opportunity to mint a limited-edition OKX-Hong Kong Fintech Week NFT for free, as well as receive OKX-branded swag items.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "Hong Kong has embraced the potential of the virtual asset industry and has been laying the foundations of a transparent and clear regulatory and commercial environment. OKX is committed to contributing to the city's future as a global virtual asset hub and we look forward to sharing our perspective and insights at the event."

OKX Ventures Partner Jeff Ren said: "As an international financial center with a strong commitment to Web3, Hong Kong provides an ideal environment for leading the charge in investing, developing, testing and adopting innovative Web3 solutions, as well as setting the tone for the future of the industry. Hong Kong Fintech Week will be an important platform for OKX Ventures to connect and explore opportunities with the wider community, with our focus this year being on real-life applications and mass adoption of Web3."

Hong Kong Fintech Week brings together some of the world's most influential business leaders, founders, investors, regulators and academics, making it one of the largest annual fintech conferences in Asia. The event aims to shape the future of finance through technology.

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