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OKX and Lifeform Launch Season 5 of Cryptopedia with Learn-to-Earn Prize Pool of USD300,000 in Lifeform Tokens for Over 11,000 Users

SINGAPORE, AUGUST 3, 2023 - OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, and Lifeform, a pioneer of decentralized digital identity solutions, today jointly launched Season 5 of Cryptopedia, OKX's learn-to-earn crypto education platform, along with a USD300,000 prize pool in Lifeform Tokens (LFT) for users participating in the season.

Over 11,000 winners who have completed five online 'OKX quests' - DEX, NFT, DeFi, Discover and Lifeform - using OKX Wallet during Cryptopedia Season 5 from August 3, 2023 at 04:00 (UTC) to August 17, 2023 at 04:00 (UTC) will be selected to share in the prize pool. The quests encourage users to use and learn about the wide range of DApps available on the OKX Wallet. Rewards will be distributed as below:

  • First Prize: USD2,000 in LFT to one winner
  • Second Prize: USD500 in LFT to 20 winners
  • Third Prize: USD25 in LFT each to 11,520 winners

How to participate in Cryptopedia Season Five:

  • Download the OKX App and toggle to Wallet at the top of the page
  • Create a wallet or import an existing one. Then, click the Discover tab at the bottom and navigate to Cryptopedia: Learn to Earn
  • Tap Season 5 Lifeform to access the interactive page, and choose the DApp you want to interact with
  • After completing the quest, wait 10 minutes and then click Verify

Cryptopedia Season Five 'OKX Quests'

  • DEX: Complete a transaction with an amount greater than USD10 through the OKX DEX. The transaction should be completed on one of the following networks: Ethereum, BNB Chain, OKTC, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Conflux, or Fantom
  • NFT: Complete an NFT transaction through the OKX NFT Market. Transaction should be completed on one of the Ethereum, BNB Chain, OKTC, Arbitrum One, Optimism, or Polygon networks
  • DeFi: Make a purchase of more than USD10 through the OKX DeFi platform. The transaction should be made via the Ethereum, BNB Chain, OKTC, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Conflux, or Fantom networks
  • Discover: Complete any on-chain interaction through OKX Discover (for instance, a trade on Uniswap). Interaction should be made on one of the Ethereum, BNB Chain, OKTC, Arbitrum One, Optimism, Polygon, or Fantom networks
  • Lifeform: Visit the Lifeform website via Season 5 of Cryptopedia and correctly answer a selection of questions

Terms & Conditions apply and can be found here.

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