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Our Continued Partnership with the Tribeca Festival for Third Consecutive Year as Presenting Partner

  • BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center renamed “OKX Theater at BMCC TPAC” for festival

  • Our CMO Haider Rafique to speak at Tribeca X panel alongside BBDO CEO Andrew Robertson on June 11

  • We're the sponsor of FIREBRAND's gala screening starring Jude Law and Alicia Vikander on June 11

We're happy to announce our third consecutive year of partnering with the Tribeca Festival as the event's Presenting Partner. This ongoing partnership underscores our mission to foster and empower a greater number of artists and creators in the Web3 space.

As part of this partnership, we have acquired naming rights to the BMCC Theatre, which will be renamed as the "OKX Theatre at BMCC TPAC" throughout the festival's duration (June 5 to June 16).

Our Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique will also attend a Tribeca X panel on "Future of Marketing Through the Lens of AI and Tokenomics" at Convene One Liberty Plaza on June 11, alongside BBDO CEO Andrew Robertson. During the panel, Haider Rafique and Andrew Robertson will discuss modern marketing trends, with a particular emphasis on how advancements in technology and Web3 will significantly influence the industry's future.

In addition, we will sponsor the gala screening of FIREBRAND at the 'OKX Theatre at BMCC TPAC' on June 11. FIREBRAND tells the story of King Henry VIII's (Jude Law) reign and how his sixth wife, Katherine Parr (Alicia Vikander), navigates the perilous waters of the Tudor court. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with Jude Law and Alicia Vikander, concluding with an after-party.

We first partnered with the Tribeca Festival in 2022, making us the festival's first-ever cryptocurrency partner and sponsor. In 2023, we deepened our partnership with the Tribeca Festival, introducing the inaugural Tribeca Festival NFT pass. Our ongoing partnership with the Tribeca Festival underscores our global impact and diverse partnerships across the fields of sport, art, film and gaming, as well as our expanding Web3 ecosystem.

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