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OKX Wallet, Now on Telegram


Introducing the OKX Telegram Wallet

You're early on this one. Super early.

Today, we reveal a brand new way to experience the OKX Wallet, directly from Telegram. If you're a Hamster CEO, a Catizen or into DOGs and NOTs, then this one is for you.

What can you use the Telegram Wallet for?

  • Manage all your tokens from the TON blockchain, as well as every other major network

  • Buy and sell over 1 million tokens

  • Send and receive crypto from 100 different networks

  • Secure your assets in a self-custodial wallet

  • And much more...

We shipped this early iteration of the OKX Telegram Wallet with a view to getting feedback from the community. So try it out and let us know what you think.

You can access the Wallet here: https://t.me/OKX_WALLET_BOT Get started in 3 steps:

  1. Launch the Wallet (via the bot link above)

  2. Open the Mini App

  3. Import or Create a wallet, and away you go.

What's coming next?

This is just the beginning. You can expect the experience to evolve very quickly from here. Over the coming days and weeks you'll be able to:

  • Connect securely to any TON mini app or game

  • Connect to any onchain dApp

  • Experience a more polished UI and connected experience between devices

On that note, one thing to be aware of is that Mobile and Web versions of the OKK Telegram Wallet aren't currently synced. Meaning that if you create a new OKX Wallet on Telegram's mobile app, it won't show on Telegram for Web, and vice-versa.

Why do we think a Telegram Wallet is important?

It's simple. Our goal is to make Web3 accessible to everyone.

This is an ambition that aligns closely with the wave of adoption being driven by mini apps and games on Telegram. Hamster Kombat, Catizen, Yescoin, Notcoin, Dogs and many more have captured the imagination of tens of millions of people, some of them operating onchain for the very first time.

With that in mind, we want to make it as easy as possible for:

  • Existing wallet users to interact with new experiences on Telegram as they emerge, and without having to create new Wallets on new platforms.

  • The Telegram and TON community to be able to bridge and move cross-chain effortlessly and securely.

Try it out, let us know what you think. There's much more to come!

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