Dual Investment promotion: subscribe to Dual Investment and enjoy attractive rewards!

Julkaistu 24.4.2024Lukuaika: 2 minuuttia

We're thrilled to announce the latest promotion for Dual Investment. The promotion period runs from 00:00 UTC on April 24, 2024 to 23:59 UTC on May 5, 2024. Subscribe now and stand a chance to earn attractive rewards!

Promotion A

Be among the top 100 users with the highest Dual Investment total subscription amount during the promotion period to get up to 2,000 USDT.
To qualify for rewards, users must meet the minimum Dual Investment total subscription amount of 100,000 USDT. Eligible users will receive a Reward Amount based on their rank by Dual Investment total subscription amount, as shown in the table below.
Please note that only subscriptions to products with an investment term of 2 days or longer will be counted towards the total subscription amount.

Rank Rewards
1st place 2,000 USDT
2nd place 1,500 USDT
3rd place 1,000 USDT
4th - 10th place 500 USDT
11th - 20th place 200 USDT
21st - 50th place 100 USDT
51st - 100th place 50 USDT

Promotion B

This promotion is exclusively for new Dual Investment users who have not subscribed to Dual Investment before the start date of this promotion. Rewards are on a first-come, first-served basis and a maximum of 2,000 eligible users will qualify to receive the rewards.

Task No. Task
Reward Maximum eligible users
1 [Mandatory] Subscribe to any Dual Investment product for the first-time with at least 10 USDT equivalent 1 USDT
First 2,000 qualified users
2 [Optional] Subscribe to Sell BTC High or Buy BTC Low with a minimum subscription amount of 100 USD equivalent each +2 USDT First 2,000 qualified users
3 [Optional] Subscribe to Sell BTC High or Buy BTC Low with the total subscription amount ranging from 101 to 1,000 USD equivalent +3 USDT First 500 qualified users
4 [Optional] Subscribe to Sell BTC High or Buy BTC Low with the total subscription amount ranging from 1,001 to 10,000 USD equivalent +20 USDT First 200 qualified users
5 [Optional] Subscribe to Sell BTC High or Buy BTC Low with the total subscription amount ranging from 10,001 to 50,000 USD equivalent +50 USDT First 50 qualified users
6 [Optional] Subscribe to Sell BTC High or Buy BTC Low with the total subscription amount above 50,000 USD equivalent +100 USDT First 20 qualified users

How to join?

Visit the promotion page for detailed promotion rules. Click the "Join now" button on the promotion page to qualify for rewards. Check that the button has been changed to "Enrolled" to ensure your participation. Otherwise, your participation will be void.