Build on X Layer
Verifying with Hardhat

Verifying with Hardhat#

There are currently two methods to verify your code on OKLink. You can either use the recommended @okxweb3/hardhat-explorer-verify plugin, or modify the hardhat.config.js file according to Hardhat's official documentation.

Important notes#

  1. First, you need to apply for a key in OKLink browser.
  2. After you deploy your contract code, make sure to wait at least one minute before verifying it.

Verify by using plugin (Recommended)#


  1. First, install the plugin in your Hardhat project by using the following command:

npm install @okxweb3/hardhat-explorer-verify

  1. In your Hardhat configuration file (usually hardhat.config.js or hardhat.config.ts), import and configure the plugin. ensure that your network configuration and API keys are correctly set. Here is a sample configuration:
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import '@okxweb3/hardhat-explorer-verify';  // Import the plugin

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: "0.8.20",
  sourcify: {
    enabled: true,
  networks: {
    xlayer: {
      url: "",
      accounts: ["<Your Wallet Private Key>"],
  etherscan: {
     apiKey: '...'
  okxweb3explorer: {
    apiKey: "<Your API Key>",

export default config;
  1. After deploying the contracts, use Hardhat to run the verification script. This typically involves running a specific Hardhat task that automatically fetches the contract data and submitting it to the OKX Chain explorer for verification. Here is an example command:

npx hardhat okverify --network xlayer <Your Contract Address>

  1. Once verification is successful, you can view the verification status and the contract code on the OKX Chain blockchain explorer.

Verify with OKX plugin

  1. Verify TransparentUpgradeableProxy contract

An example command:

npx hardhat okxverify --network xlayer --contract <Contract>:<Name> --proxy <address>

  • --proxy refers to the proxy contract address.
If you are using 897 Contract, you do not need to add --proxy. Instead, replace it with --contract.

Verify by modifying hardhat.config.js (Alternative)#


  1. Start by creating a Hardhat project and using the Lock contract as an example.
  2. Next, modify the hardhat.config.js file in your project directory with the following changes. For X Layer testnet or mainnet:
module.exports = {
    solidity: "0.8.9",
    networks: {
        xlayer: {
            url: "", //or for mainnet
            accounts: [process.env.PRIVKEY]
    etherscan: {
        apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY,
        customChains: [
                network: "xlayer",
                chainId: 195, //196 for mainnet
                urls: {
                    apiURL: "", //or for mainnet
                    browserURL: "" //or for mainnet

Replace process.env.PRIVKEY with your own deployment address’s private key, and process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY can be filled with your OKLink API Key, which can be applied from [My account - API management] on for free

  1. Compile your Hardhat contract code and deploy it with this command:
hh run scripts/deploy.js --network xlayer

Verify with Hardhat 1

  1. Wait for one to two minutes, and then verify the contract by running the following command and specifying the contract file you want to verify.
hh verify --contract contracts/Lock.sol:Lock <address> <unlock time> --network xlayer

Verify with Hardhat 2

  1. Check if the contract has been successfully verified by visiting here for testnet, or here for mainnet.