Wallet API

Total Value#

Retrieve the total balance of all tokens and DeFi assets under an account. Supports filtering of risky airdrop tokens.

Request Path#

GET https://www.okx.com/api/v5/wallet/asset/total-value

Request Parameters#

accountIdStringYesQuery total value for the account
chainsStringNoFilter chains for which to query total assets, separated by ",". Supports up to 50 chains
assetTypeStringNoQuery balance type. Default is to query all asset balances. 0: Query total balance for all assets, including tokens and DeFi assets. 1: Query only token balance. 2: Query only DeFi balance.
excludeRiskTokenBooleanNoOption to filter out risky airdrop tokens. Default is to filter. true: filter, false: do not filter

Response Parameters#

totalValueStringTotal asset balance based on the query type, returned in USD

Request Example#

curl --location --request GET 'https://www.okx.com/api/v5/wallet/asset/total-value?accountId=e7dba4c2-666d-496a-ad92-768d29291fee&chains=' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PROJECT: 86af********d1bc' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: 37c541a1-****-****-****-10fe7a038418' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-SIGN: leaV********3uw=' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: 1****6' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: 2023-10-18T12:21:41.274Z'

Response Example#

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "success",
    "data": [
            "totalValue": "1172.895057177065864522056725546579939398"