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Introducing 'OKX OS': A Toolkit for Developers to Build on Any Chain

  • Our OKX OS provides a full set of tools, SDKs and APIs for developers to build and scale applications across 100+ chains without limits

  • Tech is used by hundreds of projects, processing more than 400 million daily API calls

  • Builders can scale their businesses and onchain experiences by leveraging the same technology that powers our Wallet, serving millions of users

We've just launched OKX OS, the most comprehensive onchain infrastructure suite that opens up the tech stacks behind our Wallet, empowering a global community of developers to build and scale applications quickly across 100+ chains without limitations.

With hundreds of projects already leveraging the toolkit and processing more than 400 million daily API calls, our OKX OS provides a comprehensive set of tools, software development kits (SDKs) and APIs for building seamless onchain experiences, from wallets to games and DEXs. Supporting over 100 chains, including EVM networks, UTXO chains and mainstream homogeneous chains like Bitcoin and Solana, the toolkit enables developers to tap into diverse ecosystems and build on any chain.

Our OKX OS is already powering innovation across the onchain ecosystem, with projects such as Tomo Wallet, Zerion, Blade of God, Gravity and DuckChain leveraging our tools.

Developers can start using our OKX OS for free today. Following the launch, we plan to introduce developer support programs, global meetups and hackathons aimed at fostering onchain innovation and accelerating the growth of our OKX OS developer community.

Developer benefits

  • One-stop solution: The most extensive suite of tools and APIs for building complex onchain experiences across any chain, from wallets to games, exchanges and collections

  • Multi-chain support and liquidity aggregation: Access to over 100 chains and aggregate liquidity across multiple networks, DEXs and major marketplaces for maximum flexibility and faster market entry

  • Bitcoin-friendly: Unique tools for Inscriptions, Ordinals, Runes, Fractal Bitcoin and other emerging Bitcoin-based innovations

  • Industry-leading security: Leverages OKX's robust security measures and audited processes, enables developers to build with confidence

  • Proven scalability: Designed for fast-growth applications, as evidenced by OKX's ecosystem serving millions of users and handling over 400 million daily API calls

Core products

  • Wallet API: A single API for multi-chain wallet creation, data query and transaction management

  • Liquidity: Access to cross-chain swaps and liquidity across 20 networks, with integration to over 500 DEXs

  • Marketplace: Tools for building and managing NFT experiences, including real-time data and marketplace integrations

  • Data: Comprehensive onchain data APIs covering over 50 blockchains for actionable insights, plus an Open API for seamless integration

  • Games: Solutions for wallet integration, growth tools and in-game asset management across 100 chains

For more information about our OKX OS and to start building, visit:

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