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We're officially launching Jumpstart in Brazil

Today, I am excited to announce the launch of Jumpstart on our localized platform for Brazilian users, providing a trusted, secure gateway for Brazilian crypto enthusiasts to access new token rewards and participate in carefully selected blockchain projects.

Jumpstart offers you the opportunity to participate through a process called mining. With this model, you can stake popular cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, and others to earn new token rewards from new projects. During the mining period, your staked assets remain securely held on the OKX platform, with you retaining full ownership and the ability to withdraw once the mining period concludes.

Jumpstart’s innovative approach benefits everyone involved – you can diversify your portfolio, projects gain exposure to a wider audience, and we continue to foster innovation in Brazil's crypto ecosystem. It's a testament to our commitment to providing accessible, cutting-edge crypto services to the Brazilian market.Key features of Jumpstart include:

  • Curated Projects: Finding new and promising crypto projects can be challenging for regular users. With Jumpstart, our specialists analyze projects, providing you with curated information about potential opportunities.

  • Staking Existing Assets: You can participate in staking popular tokens you already hold (BTC, ETH, USDT), qualifying to receive additional tokens through the Jumpstart program.

  • Seamless Trading: Trade effortlessly via the exchange once the mining period ends.

To participate in Jumpstart events, you need an OKX account with completed identity verification and must hold a specified amount of required cryptocurrency for staking. We will announce new Jumpstart projects regularly, with advance notifications to allow you to prepare for participation.

The addition of Jumpstart further enhances the comprehensive suite of services available to Brazilian users, including the OKX crypto exchange, Web3 wallet, and Brazilian Real on-ramp capabilities. This reinforces our position as a leading crypto platform in the country, serving over 50 million clients worldwide. Recently, we released our 20th consecutive Proof of Reserves report, demonstrating USD 22.4 billion in primary assets backing customer funds, underlining our commitment to transparency and security.

Learn more at

Guilherme Sacamone - General Manager at OKX

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