Updates to the spot cost price feature

Published on Oct 18, 20243 min read

We’ve introduced a few updates to our spot cost price feature to further enhance your trading experience. These updates aim to give traders greater flexibility, control, and accuracy when managing and tracking trading performance. The updates are as follows:

1. Edit feature for spot cost price

This feature allows you to manually edit the cost price of a token. After modification, the cost price will be updated to the value you set, and both the PnL and PnL Ratio will adjust accordingly. Future changes to the cost price resulting from spot trading will also be based on the edited cost price.

For example: If your trading account holds 1 BTC with a cost price of 60,000, and you transfer another 1 BTC from your funding account, your trading account will now hold a total of 2 BTC. If you then edit the cost price to 61,000, the cost price of the 2 BTC in your trading account will be updated to 61,000. Future updates to the cost price will also be based on this edited value of 61,000.

You can edit the price by going to Trade > Positions & assets > Cost price.

edit feature

2. Historical data migration
Currently, the spot cost price calculation only includes spot trades made from 12:00 am UTC on August 29, 2024. To improve your experience, we’re migrating historical data from prior to this date. After the migration, you may encounter the following scenarios:



The cost price is blank before migration and has a value after.

The platform has automatically calculated the cost price for this token based on historical data.

The cost price is blank before and after migration.

Since there is no cost price in the historical data for this token, the initialized value remains empty.

The cost price value changes after migration.

- You’re holding crypto from spot trades made before 12:00 am UTC on August 29, 2024. The cost price now includes data from earlier trades.

- You can use the new cost price edit feature to edit the cost price if needed.

3. Migration of PnL Data to the Trading Account
Starting from October 21, 2024, the platform will gradually migrate the PnL sections from the following pages to the Trading Account. You can continue to view spot cost price, corresponding PnL, and PnL Ratio under "Trading - Positions & Assets" or in the details page of the token within the assets section.

The purpose of this adjustment is to enable more accurate calculations of spot cost prices, PnL, and PnL Ratio.

The Asset Overview page includes data from all accounts, while the spot cost price and PnL data are calculated based on the specific data from the trading account. For instance, assets in the funding account do not affect the calculation of spot cost price and PnL, only the assets in the trading account could be included in the calculation.

The highlighted sections on the pages below will be phased out.


Thank you for your continued support, and we hope these updates will improve your overall trading experience.

OKX team